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GB/T 29618.1-2017 English PDF (GB/T 29618.1-2013)

GB/T 29618.1-2017_English: PDF (GB/T29618.1-2017)
Standard IDContents [version]USDSTEP2[PDF] delivered inStandard Title (Description)StatusPDF
GB/T 29618.1-2017English719 Add to Cart 6 days [Need to translate] Field device tool (FDT) interface specification -- Part 1: Overview and guidance Valid GB/T 29618.1-2017
GB/T 29618.1-2013EnglishRFQ ASK 3 days [Need to translate] Field device tool (FDT) interface specification -- Part 1: Overview and guidance Obsolete GB/T 29618.1-2013

Standard ID GB/T 29618.1-2017 (GB/T29618.1-2017)
Description (Translated English) Field device tool (FDT) interface specification -- Part 1: Overview and guidance
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard N10
Classification of International Standard 25.040
Word Count Estimation 36,365
Date of Issue 2017-07-31
Date of Implementation 2018-02-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 29618.1-2013
Quoted Standard IEC 61158-5-7; IEC 61158-4-24; IEC 61158-5-15; IEC 61158-5-17; IEC 61158-6-15; IEC 61158-5-21; IEC 61158-3-21; IEC 61158-6-21; IEC 61158-6-24; IEC 61158-6-23; IEC 61158-6-22; IEC 61158-6-20; IEC 61158-6-19; IEC 61158-6-14; IEC 61158-6-13; IEC 61158-6-12
Adopted Standard IEC 62453-1-2016, IDT
Drafting Organization (China) Co., Ltd., Institute of Intelligent Systems and Control, Zhejiang University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, Institute of Intelligent Technology and Automation, Zhejiang University, (Shanghai) Automation System Trading Co., Ltd., Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd., Suzhou US name Software Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Industrial Process Measurement Control and Automation Standardization Technical Committee (SAC / TC 124)
Proposing organization China Machinery Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People Republic of China, China National Standardization Administration Committee
Summary This standard specifies the overview and guidelines for the GB / T 29618 series, including: 1. Describes the structure and contents of the GB / T 29618 series (see Chapter 5); 2. Provides a number of common specifications for the GB / T 29618 series Other parts of the description; 3. Described with the GB / T 29618 series of other parts of the relationship. This standard applies to the rest of the GB / T 29618 series.

Standard ID GB/T 29618.1-2013 (GB/T29618.1-2013)
Description (Translated English) Field device tool(FDT) interface specification. Part 1: Overview and guidance
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard N10
Classification of International Standard 25.040
Word Count Estimation 36,345
Quoted Standard IEC 61158-2; IEC 61158-3-11; IEC 61158-3-1; IEC 61158-3-12; IEC 61158-3-13; IEC 61158-3-14; IEC 61158-3-16; IEC 61158-3-17; IEC 61158-3-18; IEC 61158-3-19; IEC 61158-3; IEC 61158-3-21; IEC 61158-3-2; IEC 61158-3-22; IEC 61158-3-3; IEC 61158-3-4; IEC 61158
Adopted Standard IEC 62453-1-2009, IDT
Drafting Organization Southwestern University
Administrative Organization National Technical Committee of Standardization for measurement and control of industrial processes
Regulation (derived from) National Standards Bulletin 2013 No. 10
Proposing organization China Machinery Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Summary This standard specifies: GB/T 29618 Overview and guidance, include: Description of GB/T 29618 structure and content (see Chapter 5), provides common to GB/T 29618 some explanation other parts, described with GB/T 29618 other parts relationships. This stan

GB/T 29618.1-2017 Field device tool (FDT) interface specification. Part 1. Overview and guidance ICS 25.040 N10 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB/T 29618.1-2013 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification Part 1. Overview and guidelines Fielddevicetool (FDT) interfacespecification- Part 1.Overviewandguidance (IEC 62453-1.2016, IDT) 2017-07-31 Posted 2018-02-01 implementation General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China China National Standardization Administration released Directory Foreword Ⅲ Introduction Ⅵ 1 range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and Definitions, Symbols and Abbreviations, Conventions 1 3.1 Terms and definitions 1 3.2 Symbols and Abbreviations 6 3.3 Conventions 6 4 Field Device Tool (FDT) Overview 6 4.1 Summary 6 4.2 FDT goal 7 4.3 FDT model 8 5 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specifications Series Standards and Related Documents Structure 13 5.1 Structure Overview 13 5.2 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specifications Series Standards Part 2 --- Concept and Detailed Description 14 5.3 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specifications Series Standard Part 3xy - Communication Profile Integration 14 5.4 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification Series Standards Part 41 - Object Model Integration Profile 15 5.5 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification Series Standards Section 51-xy/52-xy --- Communication Profile Implementation 16 5.6 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification Series Standards Part 6x - DTM Style Guide 17 6 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specifications Series of Standards and Other Standardization Work 17 7 to the transplant of DTM 21 8 Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specifications Series Standard Introduction 21 8.1 Architecture 21 8.2 Dynamic Behavior 22 8.3 Structured Data Types 22 8.4 Fieldbus Communication 22 Appendix A (informative) UML notation 23 A.1 Overview 23 A.2 Figure 23 A.3 State Figure 25 A.4 Use Cases Figure 26 A.5 Sequence Figure 26 Appendix B (informative) to achieve strategy 28 References 29 Figure 1 different tools and fieldbus integration restrictions 7 Figure 2 All devices and modules are fully integrated into the homogeneous system Figure 3 Common Architecture and Components 9 Figure 4 FDT software architecture 10 Figure 5 Generic FDT Client/Server Relationship 11 Figure 6 typical FDT channel structure 12 Figure 7 channel/parameter relationship 12 Figure 8 GB/T 29618 Series structure 13 Figure 9 in the automated hierarchical structure with GB/T 29618 related standards 18 Figure 10 by the use of GB/T 29618-related standards 20 Figure 11 DTM implementation 21 Figure A.1 Note 23 Figure A.2 Class 23 Figure A.3 Correlation 23 Figure A.4 Compound 24 Figure A.5 Polymerization 24 Figure A.6 Dependencies 24 Figure A.7 Abstract Classes, Generalizations and Interfaces Figure A.8 Reuse 25 Figure A.9 Elements of the UML state diagram Figure A.10 UML state diagram example 25 Figure A.11 Syntax of UML Use Cases 26 Figure A.12 UML Sequence Figure 27 Table 1 Summary of relevant standards 18 Foreword GB/T 29618 "Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification" is divided into the following sections. --- Part 1. Overview and guidelines; --- Part 2. Concept and detailed description; --- Part 301. Communication profile integrated FF field bus specification; --- Part 302. Communication rules integrated universal industrial agreement; --- Part 306. Communication rules integrated INTERBUS fieldbus specification; --- Part 309. Communication profile integrated addressable remote sensor high-speed channel; --- Part 315. Communication line regulation integrated MODBUS field bus specification; --- Part 41. Object model lineage integration common object model; --- Part 42. Object model rules integrated common language infrastructure; --- Part 515. Common object model communication to achieve MODBUS field bus specification; --- Part 51-10. Common Object Model Communication to achieve FF Fieldbus Specification; --- Part 51-20. Common object model of communication to achieve universal industrial agreement; Part 51-60. General object model communication to achieve INTERBUS fieldbus specification; --- Part 51-90. Common object model of communication to achieve IEC 61784CPF9; --- Part 51-150. Common object model of communication to achieve IEC 61784CPF15; --- Part 52-10. General language infrastructure to achieve communication FF fieldbus specification; --- Part 52-20. Common language infrastructure to achieve universal industrial communication protocol; --- Part 52-31. Communication of the common language infrastructure IEC 61784CP3/1 and CP3/2; --- Part 52-32. Communication of common language infrastructure IEC 61784CP3/4, CP3/5 and CP3/6; --- Part 52-90. Communication of common language infrastructure IEC 61784CPF9; --- Part 52-150 of the General Language Infrastructure Communication IEC 61784CPF15; --- Part 61. Generic object model device type manager style guide; --- Part 62. Field Device Tool (FDT) common language infrastructure style guide. This section GB/T 29618 Part 1. This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules. This Part replaces GB/T 29618.1-2013 "Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification Part 1. Overview and Guidelines", the Department Points and GB/T 29618.1-2013 compared to editorial changes in addition to the main technical changes are as follows. --- Added the terms "generic DTM" (see 3.1.26), "Interpretation DTM" (see 3.1.31); --- Added "DTM can be used as a specific DTM or generic DTM. A specific DTM is for a specific device or a series developing. Universal DTMs support a device profile or device that integrates device descriptions (such as DD or FDI device packages) Prepare "(see 4.3.3,.2013 version 4.3.3); --- Added "Part 42. Object Model Rules Integrate Common Language Infrastructure;" "Part 62. Field Device Tools (FDT) Generic Language Infrastructure Style Guide "(see 5.1); --- Change the representation (see 5.1,.2013 version 5.1); --- Added "Object Model Integration Profile --- Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)" (see 5.4.3); --- Added IEC 62769 Field Device Integration (FDI) concepts and reviews. Field device description based on EDDL device package (IEC 61804-4 and 61804-4) and optional programmable graphical user interface (compatible with IEC 62453-42). Device package In a integrated client-server architecture. An optional, OPCUA (IEC 62541) service is available The information model of the interface of the device (see Table 1, Table 1 of the.2013 edition). This section uses the translation method identical with IEC 62453-1.2016 "Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification Part 1. Overview and Guidelines". The documents of our country that are consistent with the corresponding international documents that are normative references in this section are as follows. --- GB/T 16657.2-2008 Industrial Communication Network Fieldbus Specification Part 2. Physical layer specification and service definition (IEC 61158-2.2007, IDT); --- GB/T 20540.1-2006 measurement and control of digital data communications industrial control system with fieldbus type 3.PRO- FIBUS Specifications Part 1. Overview and Guidance (IEC 61158-1 Type 3..2003, MOD); --- GB/T 20540.2-2006 Measurement and control of digital data communications fieldbus type for industrial control systems 3.PRO- FIBUS Specifications Part 2 Physical Layer Specifications and Service Definition (IEC 61158-2Type3.2003, MOD); --- GB/T 20540.3-2006 Measurement and control of digital data communications fieldbus type for industrial control systems 3.PRO- FIBUS Specifications Part 3. Data Link Layer Service Definition (IEC 61158-3 Type 3..2003, MOD); --- GB/T 20540.4-2006 Measurement and control of digital data communications fieldbus type for industrial control systems 3.PRO- FIBUS Specifications Part 4. Data Link Layer Protocol Specifications (IEC 61158-4 Type 3..2003, MOD); --- GB/T 20540.5-2006 Measurement and control of digital data communications Industrial control systems with field bus type 3.PRO- FIBUS Specifications Part 5. Application Layer Service Definition (IEC 61158-5 Type 3..2003, MOD); --- GB/T 20540.6-2006 Measurement and control of digital data communications fieldbus type for industrial control systems 3.PRO- FIBUS Specifications Part 6. Application Layer Protocol Specifications (IEC 61158-6 Type 3..2003, MOD); Measurement and control of digital data communications - Fieldbus type 10 for industrial control systems. PROFINET Specification Part 1. Application Layer Service Definition (IEC 61158-5 TYPE 10.2003, MOD); Measurement and control of digital data communications - Fieldbus type 10 for industrial control systems. PROFINET Specification Part 2. Application Layer Protocol Specifications (IEC 61158-6 TYPE 10.2003, MOD); --- GB/T 20830-2015 Functional safety based on PROFIBUSDP and PROFINETIO Communication rules --- PROFIsafe (IEC 61784-3-3.2010, IDT); --- GB/T 25105.1-2014 Industrial Communication Network Fieldbus Specification Type 10.PROFINETIO Specification No. 1 Part. Application layer service definition (IEC 61158-5-10.2010, MOD); --- GB/T 25105.2-2014 Industrial Communication Network Fieldbus specification type 10.PROFINETIO norms 2 Part. Application layer protocol specification (IEC 61158-6-10.2010, MOD); --- GB/T 25105.3-2014 Industrial Communication Network Fieldbus specification type 10.PROFINETIO norms 3 Part. PROFINETIO Communication Profile (IEC 61784-2.2010, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.1-2010 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP Specification Part 1 General Description (IEC 61158.2003 TYPE2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.2-2010 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP Specifications Part 2. Physical Layers and Media (IEC 61158-2.2003 TYPE2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.3-2010 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP specifications Part 3. Data link layer (IEC 61158-2003 TYPE2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.4-2010 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP specifications - Part 4. Network and transport layers (IEC 61158-2003 TYPE 2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.5-2010 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Industrial Control Systems Fieldbus Type 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP Specification Part 5. Data Management (IEC 61158-2003 TYPE2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.6-2010 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Industrial Control Systems Fieldbus Type 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP specifications - Part 6. Object model (IEC 61158-2003 TYPE2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.7-2010 Measurement and control of digital data communications Industrial Control Systems Fieldbus Type 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP Specifications Part 7. Device Profile (IEC 61158-2003 TYPE 2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.8-2010 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP Specifications Part 8. Spreadsheets (IEC 61158.2003 TYPE2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.9-2010 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP Specification Part 9. Station Management (IEC 61158-2003 TYPE2, MOD); --- GB /Z 26157.10-2010 Measurement and control of digital data communications Industrial Control Systems Fieldbus Type 2.Con- trolNet and EtherNet/IP Specification Part 10. Object Library (IEC 61158.2003 TYPE2, MOD); --- GB/T 29910.3-2013 Industrial Communication Network Fieldbus Specification Type 20.HART Code Part 3. Should Service-level definition (IEC 61158-5-20.2010, IDT); --- GB/T 29910.4-2013 Industrial Communication Network Fieldbus Specification Type 20.HART Code Part 4. Should Layer protocol specification (IEC 61158-6-20.2010, IDT); --- GB /Z 29619.1-2013 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 8.IN- TERBUS Specification Part 1. Overview (IEC 61158.2003, MOD); --- GB /Z 29619.2-2013 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 8.IN- TERBUS specification Part 2. Physical layer specification and service definition (IEC 61158.2003, MOD); --- GB /Z 29619.3-2013 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communications Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 8.IN- TERBUS specification - Part 3. Data link service definition (IEC 61158-2003, MOD); --- GB /Z 29619.4-2013 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 8.IN- TERBUS Specification Part 4. Data Link Protocol Specification (IEC 61158-2003, MOD); --- GB /Z 29619.5-2013 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communications Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 8.IN- TERBUS specification - Part 5. Definition of application layer services (IEC 61158-2003, MOD); --- GB /Z 29619.6-2013 Measurement and Control Digital Data Communication Fieldbus Type for Industrial Control Systems 8.IN- TERBUS specification Part 6. Application layer protocol specification (IEC 61158.2003, MOD); The following editorial changes have been made to IEC 62453-1.2016 according to GB/T 1.1-2009. --- Remove the IEC 62453-1.2016 in 5.4.3 "IEC /T R62453-42 informative and yetforeaTR." This part is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation. This part of the National Industrial Process Measurement Control and Automation Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC124) centralized. This part of the drafting unit. Southwest University, Machinery Industry Instrumentation Technology Institute of Economics, Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd., Chongqing Chuan Yi Automation Co., Ltd., Rockwell Automation (China) Co., Ltd., Zhejiang University Institute of Intelligent Systems and Control, (Shanghai) Automation System Trading Co., Ltd., Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd., Suzhou Mei Ming Software Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this section. Liu Feng, Zhang Yu, Wang Chunxi, Wang Shuo, Wang Deji, Zhang Qingjun, Tian Yingming, Hua Rong, Feng Dongqin, Li Jing, Wang Yong, Lu Yajun, Du Jialin, Yang Yang. This part replaces the standards previously issued as. --- GB/T 29618.1-2013. introduction Enterprise Automation requires two main streams of data. a "vertical" stream of data including signal and configuration data from the enterprise layer to the field devices; "Horizontal" communication between field devices running on the same or different communication technologies. With the control system's fieldbus integration, many other tasks need to be implemented. In addition to fieldbus and device-specific software tools, There is also a need for tools that can be integrated into higher-level, system-wide, planning or engineering tools. Especially in large, heterogeneous control System, example. The typical process industry area is easy to use for all parties (personnel) and the unambiguous definition of an engineering interface is very heavy need. From the perspective of the system life cycle and the entire factory automation, if you have to use a number of different manufacturers of specific tools, then this The data in these tools often becomes invisible data silos. To ensure consistent plant-wide control and automation technology, seamless integration of fieldbusses, devices and subsystems into Part of a wide range of automation tasks covering the entire automation life cycle is necessary. The GB/T 29618 series of standards provide interface specifications for developers of FDT (Field Device Tools) components. FDT component is supported Functional Control and Data Access Under Client/Server Architecture. Standard interfaces help multiple manufacturers develop servers and clients And support for interoperability. Device or module-specific software components are called DTMs (Device Type Manager). DTM provided by the manufacturer, with the appropriate equipment Type or type of software entity. Each DTM can be integrated into the engineering tool via the defined FDT interface. This integration method is Open to all fieldbus, thus supporting the integration of different devices and software modules into heterogeneous control systems. GB/T 29618 series of standard universal application interface to support application developers, system integrators, field devices and network component manufacturers Benefits also streamline sourcing, reduce system costs and help manage the lifecycle. Available in control system operation, engineering and maintenance Savings. GB/T 29618 series of standards is to support. ● For heterogeneous fieldbus environments in all automation areas (eg process automation, factory automation and similar monitoring applications) Common plant-level tools for multi-manufacturer lifecycle management of equipment, function blocks, and modular subsystems; ● Complete and consistent data exchange within the control system including fieldbus, equipment, function blocks and modular subsystems; ● Simple and effective integration of different automation devices, function blocks and modular subsystem components into the control system's lifecycle manager With, this integration has nothing to do with the manufacturer. The FDT concept supports the design and integration of monitoring applications, but not for other engineering tasks such as "electronic wiring design" "mechanical design" For solution. Plant management content such as "Maintenance Planning" "Optimized Control" "Data Archive" is not a part of the FDT specification. Future FDT version This may include some of them. Field Device Tool (FDT) Interface Specification Part 1. Overview and guidelines 1 Scope This section GB/T 29618 specifies the GB/T 29618 series overview and guidelines, including. --- Explain the GB/T 29618 series structure and content (see Chapter 5); --- Provides a number of other common parts of the GB/T 29618 series of some instructions; --- Describe the GB/T 29618 series of other parts of the relationship. This section applies to GB/T 29618 series of other parts. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this article Pieces. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document. IEC 61158 (all parts) Digital data communication in measurement and control Industrial Control Systems Fieldbus (Fieldbusforuse inindustrialcontrolsystems) IEC 61784 (all parts) Industrial communication networks - Industrial rules (Industrialcommunicationnetworks-Profiles) 3 Terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviations, conventions 3.1 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1.1 Actor actor A consistent set of roles played by users of a use case when interacting with use cases. [ISO /IEC 19501.2005, definition] Note. When participants communicate with each use case, they have only one role. 3.1.2 Address Communication protocol specific access ID. 3.1.3 Application application Specific software functional units that solve problems in the measurement and control of industrial processes. Note An application can be spread across multiple resources and communicate with other applications. 3.1.4 Business object businessobject An object that represents an entity that has specific states and behaviors (for example, DTMs, BTMs, and channels). Note Business object terminology was originally defined as part of the design pattern 3-tier structure and business objects are part of the business layer. ......

GB/T 29618.1-2013 Field device tool (FDT) interface specification Part 1. Overview and guidance ICS 25.040 N10 National Standards of People's Republic of China Field device tool (FDT) interface specification Part 1. Overview and guidance Fielddevicetool (FDT) interfacespecification- Part 1. Overviewandguidance (IEC 62453-1.2009, IDT) Issued on. 2013-07-19 2013-12-15 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Table of Contents Introduction Ⅴ Introduction Ⅵ 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviations, conventions 1 3.1 Terms and definitions 3.2 Symbols and abbreviations 5 3.3 Conventions 6 4 6 Field Device Tool Overview 4.1 Summary 6 4.2 FDT goal 7 4.2.1 General features 7 4.2.2 Equipment and module manufacturers $ 700 4.2.3 system manufacturers and integrators of $ 700 4.2.4 Other Applications 8 4.3 FDT model 8 4.3.1 Overview 8 4.3.2 application framework 9 4.3.3 Device Type Manager 10 4.3.4 communication channel concept 11 4.3.5 objects that represent 12 Structure 5 Field device tool (FDT) interface specification standards and related documents 13 5.1 Architectural Overview 13 5.2 Field Device Tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 2 standard concepts and detailed description --- 14 5.3 Field Device Tool (FDT) interface specification Standard 3xy integrated communication profile section --- 14 5.3.1 Overview 14 5.3.2 communication profile Integrated Fieldbus Specification FF 14 5.3.3 communication profile Integrated Common Industrial Protocol 14 5.3.4 communication profile integrated PROFIBUS Fieldbus specifications 14 5.3.5 PROFINET communication profile Integrated input and output interface specification 15 5.3.6 communication profile integrated INTERBUS Fieldbus specifications 15 5.3.7 communication profile integrated HART Fieldbus specifications 15 5.3.8 MODBUS communication profile Integrated Fieldbus specifications 15 5.4 Field Device Tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 41 --- standard object model integrated profiles 15 5.4.1 Overview 15 5.4.2 Object Model Integration profiles --- Common Object Model 15 5.5 Field Device Tool (FDT) interface specification Standard 5xy part --- communication profiles to achieve 15 5.5.1 Overview 15 Communication 5.5.2 Common Object Model for the Fieldbus Specification FF 16 Communication 5.5.3 Common Object Model for the Common Industrial Protocol 16 Communication 5.5.4 Common Object Model for the PROFIBUS Fieldbus specifications 16 Communication 5.5.5 Common Object Model for the PROFINET input and output interface specification 16 Communication 5.5.6 Common Object Model for the INTERBUS Fieldbus specifications 16 Communication 5.5.7 Common Object Model for the HART Fieldbus specifications 16 Communication 5.5.8 Common Object Model for the MODBUS fieldbus specification 16 5.6 Field Device Tool (FDT) interface specification Standard 6x --- DTM Style Guide Part 17 5.6.1 Overview 17 Device Type Manager 5.6.2 Common Object Model (DTM) Style Guide 17 Relations 6 Field device tool (FDT) interface specification standards and other standardization work 17 7 to 20 DTM transplant 8 Field device tool (FDT) interface specification standard profiles 21 8.1 Architecture 21 8.2 Dynamic Behavior 21 8.3 structured data types 21 8.4 Fieldbus communication 22 Appendix A (Informative Appendix) UML notation 23 A.1 Overview 23 A.2 Class 23 A.3 state 25 A.4 Use Case Diagrams 26 A.5 sequence 26 Annex B (informative) Implementation Strategy 28 References 29 1 fieldbus different tools and integrated limit 7 Figure 2 all devices and modules fully integrated into the same system configuration 8 Figure 3 provides a common architecture and components 9 Software Architecture FIG. 4 FDT 10 5 FDT universal client/server relationship 11 Figure 6 Typical FDT channel structure 12 Diagram 7 channels/parameters 12 Figure 8 GB/T 29618 series of structure 13 9 in the automation hierarchy and GB/T 29618 standard related to 17 Figures 10 and GB/T 29618 grouped by usage-related standards 20 Figure 11 DTM implementation 21 Figure A.1 Notes 23 Figure A.2 Class 23 Figure A.3 association 23 Figure A.4 Compound 24 Figure A.5 polymerization 24 Figure A.6 dependence 24 Figure A.7 abstract classes, and interfaces generalization 24 Figure A.8 reuse 25 Figure A.9 UML state diagram elements 25 Figure A.10 UML state diagram Example 25 Figure A.11 UML use case syntax 26 Figure A.12 UML sequence diagram 27 Table 1 Summary of relevant standards 18 Foreword GB/T 29618 "Field device tool (FDT) interface specification" temporarily divided into the following sections. --- Part 1. Overview and guidance; --- Part 2. Concepts and detailed description; --- Part 301. Integrated communication profile Fieldbus Specification FF; --- Part 302. Integrated communication profile Common Industrial Protocol; Part --- Article 303-1. communication profile integrated PROFIBUS Fieldbus specifications; --- Article 303-2. Communication profiles integrated PROFINET input and output interface specification; --- Part 306. Integrated communication profile INTERBUS Fieldbus specifications; --- Part 309. Integrated HART communication profile Fieldbus specifications; --- Part 315. Integrated MODBUS communication profile Fieldbus specifications; --- Part 41. Integrated generic object model profiles Object Model; --- Part 501. Communication Common Object Model for the FF Fieldbus specifications; --- Part 502. Communication Common Object Model for the Common Industrial Protocol; Part --- Article 503-1. Communication Common Object Model for the PROFIBUS Fieldbus specifications; --- Article 503-2. Communication Common Object Model for the PROFINET input and output interface specification; --- Part 506. Communication Common Object Model for the INTERBUS Fieldbus specifications; --- Part 509. Communication Common Object Model for the HART Fieldbus specifications; --- Part 515. Communication Common Object Model for the MODBUS Fieldbus specifications; --- Part 61. Device Type Manager Style Guide Common Object Model. This section GB/T 29618 Part 1. This section drafted in accordance with the rules of GB/T 1.1-2009 and GB/T 20000.2-2009 given. This section uses the translation method is equivalent to using IEC 62453-1.2009 "Field device tool (FDT) interface specification - Part 1. Overview and Guidelines". This part made the following editorial changes. a) Remove the IEC 62453-1.2009 Introduction, re-write the foreword to this section; b) Where "IEC 62453" where to "GB/T 29618"; c) in accordance with Chinese customary for some formatting has been modified; d) The number of international standards applicable to the expression to apply to our standard formulation. This part is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation. This part of the measurement and control of Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC124) is administered by the National industrial processes. Participated in the drafting of this section. Southwest University, Hilscher letter (Shanghai) Automation System Co., Ltd., Machinery Instrumentation Technology and Economy Institute, Rockwell Automation (China) Co., Ltd. Hain Desmond House (EH) Automation Equipment Co., Ltd., Sea Automation Instrumentation Co., Schneider Electric (China) Co., Ltd. Suzhou reputation software, Zhejiang University Intelligent Systems and Control Institute Studies, China Silian Instrument Group. The main drafters of this section. Ouyang Jinsong, Wang Chunxi, Xiesu Fen, Liu W, black Wei Liang, Du Jialin, Wang Xin red bag Wai Wah, Liu Jin, Hideaki, Hua Rong, Yuan Haifeng, FENG Dong-qin, Liu Feng, Lu Jing, Zhang Yu, Huang Renjie. introduction Automation requires two main streams. from the enterprise level to the field devices, including signal and configuration data "vertical" data stream; Runs between the same or different field device communication technology "horizontal" communication. With the integrated fieldbus and control systems, the need to achieve a number of other tasks. In addition to the fieldbus and device-specific software tools In addition, also we need to be able to integrate these tools into a higher-level, system-wide planning or engineering tools. Particularly in large, heterogeneous control System system, for example. a typical industrial process, for ease of all parties (persons) easy to use, unambiguous definition of the interface is very Engineering important. In order to ensure consistency management plant-wide control and automation technology, completely fieldbus devices and subsystems seamless integration Covering the entire life cycle of automation of a wide range of automation tasks is an essential part. From the entire system lifecycle and factory automation perspective, if you must use a variety of different manufacturer-specific tools, then this Some data tools often become invisible data island. Integrated software interface specifications between software components and control systems engineering tools specific device. Software components that particular device called Of the DTM (Device Type Manager), usually provided by the device manufacturer, and the control system engineering tools provided by the system manufacturer. FDT interface specification data access control and support functions in the client/server architecture, and generally for all fieldbus They are open, and therefore supports the integration of different devices and software modules into heterogeneous control system. The use of standard interfaces in favor of multi-plant House development and integration of different software components, and easy extensions. Interests, but also to simplify procurement, reduce system costs and help manage the life cycle. Maximum savings lies in the operation of the control system, and engineering Maintenance. ● used in all automation fields (for example, process automation, factory automation and similar monitoring application) heterogeneous fieldbus ring Environment, multi-vendor equipment, life-cycle block and modular subsystems common management tool plant level; ● including in the fieldbus devices, functional blocks and modular subsystems control system complete and consistent data exchange; ● different automation devices, functional blocks and modular subsystem components simple and effective integration into the lifecycle management control system Tool, which is integrated manufacturer-independent. FDT supports the concept of integrated design and monitoring applications, but not for other engineering tasks, such as "electronic wiring design," "mechanical design" put For solutions. The contents of factory management as "maintenance design" "Optimal Control", "Data Archive" does not belong to FDT specification. Future version of FDT This may include some of these aspects. Field device tool (FDT) interface specification Part 1. Overview and guidance 1 Scope This section GB/T 29618 specifies the GB/T 29618 Overview and guidance, including. --- Description of the GB/T 29618 structure and content (see Chapter 5); --- Provide some description of the other parts are common to GB/T 29618; and --- Describes the relationship with the GB/T 29618 other part of. This section applies to the rest of the GB/T 29618 of. 2 Normative references The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document. IEC 61158 (all parts) for measurement and control of digital data communication in industrial control systems Fieldbus (Fieldbusforuse inindustrialcontrolsystems) IEC 61499-1.2003 industrial process measurement and control systems Function blocks - Part 1. Structure (FunctionBlocksforin- dustrialprocessmeasurementandcontrolsystems-Part 1. Architecture) IEC 61784 (all parts) Industrial communication networks (Industrialcommunicationnetworks-Profiles) ISO /IEC 19501.2005 Information technology - Open distributed processing of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2 (Informationtechnology-OpenDistributedProcessing-UnifiedModelingLanguage (UML) Version1.4.2) 3 Terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviations, conventions The following terms and definitions apply to this document. 3.1 Terms and Definitions 3.1.1 Participants actor Use cases with a consistent set of user roles when interacting with Example played. [ISO /IEC 19501] Note. Participants with each patient communication, only to have a role. 3.1.2 Address address Communication protocol-specific access token. 3.1.3 Application application Specific software function unit to solve the industrial process measurement and control problems. Note. An application can be distributed across multiple resources, and can communicate with other applications. ......

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