GB/T 33618-2017 PDF English
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Textiles - Test method for visible smoke release and heat release properties during combustion process
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PDF Preview: GB/T 33618-2017
GB/T 33618-2017: PDF in English (GBT 33618-2017) GB/T 33618-2017
ICS 59.080.30
W 04
Textiles - Test method for visible smoke release and
heat release properties during combustion process
ISSUED ON. MAY 12, 2017
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine;
Standardization Administration Committee.
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Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Symbols... 5
5 Principle... 6
6 Equipment ... 7
7 Sample preparation ... 10
8 Test environment ... 11
9 Instrument calibration ... 12
10 Test steps ... 13
11 Results calculation and expression... 15
12 Test report ... 17
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T
This Standard was proposed by China Textile Industry Federation.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee
on Textile of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 209).
The drafting organizations of this Standard. Guangzhou Fiber Products
Testing and Research Institute, Spinning Standard Test and Certification
Center Co., Ltd.
Main drafters of this Standard. Luo Shengli, Zhu Ruixi, Nie Fengming, Han
Yuru, Zhang Peng, Wu Wenyi, Feng Zeqiang.
Textiles - Test method for visible smoke release and
heat release properties during combustion process
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the test method for visible smoke release and heat
release properties during combustion process.
This Standard applies to various fabrics and their products.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
GB/T 3820, Determination of thickness of textiles and textile products
GB/T 6529, Textiles - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 thermal irradiance
the heat radiation energy per unit area of the sample surface per unit time
3.2 time to ignition
at a certain degree of thermal radiation, with an arc igniter ignition, the time
FROM the sample exposure to the heat radiation source TO the flame
3.3 mean mass loss rate
the ratio of the mass loss per unit time of the sample to the exposed area
during combustion process
3.4 heat release rate
weighing device shall not exceed 1 g in 30 min.
6.3 Ignition device
Through the position (13 ± 2) mm above the center of the sample, discharge
10kV to complete the ignition. The spark gap of the spark plug shall be (3.0 ±
0.5) mm. The high voltage connected to the spark plug electrode must not be
connected to the housing so as to reduce interference from the data
transmission line. For ignition test, the spark discharge shall be continuously
operated at 50Hz ~ 60Hz. After the flame is generated for 4s, the igniter shall
be removed.
6.4 Ignition timer
The ignition timer shall be able to be segmented. The resolution is 1s and the
timing error is less than 1 s/h.
6.5 Thermal radiation cone
Thermal radiation cone can produce 0~100 kW/m2 heat radiation on the
surface of the sample. Thermal irradiance shall be uniform. In the center
50mm × 50mm range of the exposed sample, the thermal irradiance deviation
to that of the center shall not exceed ± 2%.
6.6 Radiation protection board
There shall be an extractable radiation protection board between the thermal
radiation cone and the sample so as to protect the sample from heat radiation
prior to the test. The protective plate shall be made of non-combustible
material with a total thickness of not more than 12 mm. The radiation
protection board may be one of the following.
a) water-cooled wear-resistant matte black coating with a layer of surface
emissivity ε = 0.95 ± 0.05;
b) non-water-cooled metal or ceramic with upper surface of reflection
function, so as to minimize the heat radiation transmission.
6.7 Thermal radiation cone temperature controller
Temperature range is 0°C ~ 1000°C. Indication resolution is 2°C.
6.8 Heat flow meter
The heat irradiance of the cone heater shall be calibrated by using a heat flow
meter. The heat flow meter range is 0~100 kW/m2. Error shall be controlled
within ± 3%.
9 Instrument calibration
9.1 Weighing device
Calibration weighing device shall use the weighing standard piece within the
sample quality range. Close the thermal radiation cone and cool the device to
ambient temperature before calibration. Place the sample rack on the
weighing device. Zero the weighing device. Load 250 g or other suitable
quality weight. After the stability, record the output value of weighing device
then complete the correction. The calibration of the weighing device shall be
zero before each test.
9.2 Oxygen analyzer
When calibrating the oxygen analyzer, the thermal radiation cone can be
operated or closed, but shall not be in the warming stage. Turn on the fan and
adjust the exhaust flow to (0.024±0.002) m3/s. At zero calibration, put the
pure nitrogen gas into the analyzer, so that its flow and pressure are same
with that of sample. Adjust the indication value of analyzer to (0.00±0.01)%.
When it is put into dry ambient air, adjust the indication value to (20.95±0.01)%
and set the flow rate to the flow rate used to test the sample. After each
sample test, it shall use the dry ambient air to ensure that the analyzer's
indication value is (20.95±0.01)%.
9.3 Heat release rate
When the test is carried out at each experimental day, the heat release rate
calibration shall be performed to determine the calibration constant C for
oxygen consumption analysis. In calibration, the thermal radiation cone can
be either operated or closed, but shall not be in the warming stage. Turn on
the fan and adjust the exhaust flow to (0.024±0.002) m3/s. Collect the
baseline data at a time interval of 5 s and it shall at least last 1 min. According
to the net combustion heat of methane of 50.0×103 kJ/kg, put methane into
the calibration burner. With the calibrated flow meter, obtain the flow with a
corresponding heat release rate of 5.0 kW. After the balance, collect the data
at a time interval of 5 s and it shall at least last 3 min. Record the calibration
constant C for oxygen consumption analysis.
9.4 Thermal radiation cone
When the test is carried out at each experimental day or the thermal
irradiance is changed, it shall use the thermal irradiance generated by heat
flow meter to thermal radiation cone for measurement. And adjust the thermal
irradiance control system to achieve the desired thermal irradiance (error
does not exceed ± 2%). When the heat flow meter is inserted into the
calibration position, the sample or sample mounting bracket shall not be used.
test intermittent period, place a thermal insulation layer (for example, an
empty sample holder with a heat-resistant fiber mat or a water-cooled
radiation protection board) above the weighing device, so as to avoid
excessive heat transfer to the weighing device.
10.3 Test
10.3.1 In the test environment, remove the humidity-balanced sample from
the sealer. Install the sample according to 7.3. Place the well-installed sample
rack on the weighing device. Weigh the sample mass. Adjust the distance
between the bottom of the thermal radiation cone and the surface of the
sample as (25±1) mm to ensure that the sample rack is aligned with the
center of the thermal radiation cone.
10.3.2 Remove the sample rack that holds sample. Place an insulation layer
above the weighing device.
10.3.3 Set the temperature corresponding to the heat radiation. Turn on the
power supply of thermal radiation cone.
NOTE. Commonly used thermal irradiances are 25 kW/m2, 35 kW/m2 or 45 kW/m2.
10.3.4 After the thermal radiation cone is heated to the temperature
corresponding to the set thermal irradiance, set the sampling time interval
(generally not more than 5s). Collect baseline data for 1 min.
10.3.5 Insert the radiation protection board. Remove the insulation layer
that protects the weighing device. Place the sample rack that holds sample
on the weighing device.
NOTE. The radiation protection board sh...
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.