GM/T 0112-2021 PDF English
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Technical requirements of cryptography application in portable document format
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PDF Preview: GM/T 0112-2021
GM/T 0112-2021: PDF in English (GMT 0112-2021) GM/T 0112-2021
ICS 35.030
CCS L 80
Technical requirements of cryptography application in
portable document format
Issued by. National Cryptography Administration
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 4
2 Normative references... 4
3 Terms and definitions... 5
4 Abbreviations... 5
5 Requirements for PDF cryptography application... 5
5.1 Overview of document structure in PDF format... 5
5.2 Requirements for cryptography applications... 7
6 Digital signatures for PDFs... 7
6.1 Overview... 7
6.2 PDF signature structure... 8
6.3 Signature algorithm requirements... 10
6.4 Requirements for digital certificates... 10
6.5 Digital signature generation... 11
6.6 Digital signature verification... 11
6.7 Timestamp... 12
7 PDF electronic signature... 12
7.1 Overview... 12
7.2 PDF signature structure... 13
7.3 Requirements for signature algorithm... 15
7.4 Digital certificate requirements... 15
7.5 Generation of electronic signature... 15
7.6 Electronic signature verification... 16
7.7 Timestamp... 17
8 PDF encryption and decryption... 17
8.1 Encryption mechanism... 17
8.2 Password-based PDF encryption... 18
8.3 PDF encryption based on digital certificates... 19
Technical requirements of cryptography application in
portable document format
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical requirements for digitally signing, electronically
stamping, and encrypting and decrypting PDF documents using cryptographic
This document is intended to guide the development and testing of cryptographic
application-related products and systems based on PDF format documents.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 20518, Information security technology -- Public key infrastructure -- Digital
certificate format
GB/T 20520, Information security technology -- Public key infrastructure -- Time
stamp specification
GB/T 32010.1-2015, Document management -- Portable document format -- Part 1.
PDF 1.7
GB/T 32905, Information security techniques -- SM3 cryptographic hash algorithm
GB/T 32907, Information security technology -- SM4 block cipher algorithm
GB/T 32918 (all parts), Information security technology -- public key cryptographic
algorithm SM2 base Don elliptic curves
GB/T 35275, Information security technology -- SM2 cryptographic algorithm
encrypted signature message syntax specification
GB/T 38540, Information security technology -- Technical specification secure
electronic seal signature cryptography
GM/T 0091, Cryptography-based key derivation specification
The cross-reference table contains information that allows random access to indirect
objects in the file. It is not necessary to read the entire file to find a specific object.
d) Trailer
Trailer of the document enables conforming readers to quickly locate cross-reference
tables and certain special objects.
The trailer shall include a trailer dictionary. Encryption-related attribute information
is stored in the Encrypt item of the trailer dictionary.
5.2 Requirements for cryptography applications
The security goal of cryptography application for PDF format documents is to ensure
their authenticity, integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation.
The signature/signer of a PDF document uses his/her private signature key to digitally
sign/electronically sign the PDF document to achieve document protection. The
recipient verifies the signed PDF document, including the digital signature/electronic
signature and digital certificate, to confirm the authenticity of the document source and
the integrity of the document. At the same time, the signature/signer cannot deny the
signing of the PDF document.
PDF format documents are protected by using a cryptography mechanism to encrypt
the PDF document content that needs confidentiality protection, using cryptography-
based encryption or digital certificate public key-based encryption to achieve document
confidentiality requirements.
When both encryption and signing are applied to the same PDF document, encryption
must be performed first and then signing.
6 Digital signatures for PDFs
6.1 Overview
PDF digital signatures are used to verify the authenticity of the PDF document signer's
identity, ensure the integrity of the document content, and ensure the non-repudiation
of document signing behavior.
PDF digital signature uses the private key of the document signer to sign the PDF
document. The signature operation is implemented by calling the PDF signature handler.
The signature appearance is the visual representation of a PDF digital signature, which
is described by the Appearance (AP) object. The Appearance AP defines the appearance
of the signature on the PDF page, where the Rect key defines the position and size of
the signature on the PDF page. The height and width of the invisible signature Rect
shall be 0.PDF readers that conform to this document shall treat such signatures as
6.2 PDF signature structure
6.2.1 Signature field object
To adapt the personalized user interface processing effects of SM2 digital signatures to
different PDF readers, this document describes two PDF SM2 signature implementation
a) Form signature field object. Implement PDF SM2 digital signature by setting an
interactive AcroForm signature field that supports SM2 signature.
b) Annotation signature field object. Implement PDF SM2 digital signature by
setting the annotation object that supports SM2 signature.
NOTE. Any annotated signature field objects defined in the document shall not be referenced by
interactive forms.
During the application implementation process, developers can choose one of the two
implementation methods based on their needs.
During the application implementation process, developers can choose one of the two
implementation methods based on their needs. You can create a form signature field
object or annotate a signature object and associate it with a signature dictionary to set
PDF signature-related property information, thereby achieving a digital signature.
The form signature field object is used to implement the SM2 digital signature. The
definition of the object dictionary is shown in Table 1.
6.5 Digital signature generation
The process of generating a digital signature for a PDF document is as follows.
a) Prepare PDF documents for signing.
1) Determine the signing method. Set the PDF signature field object.
- If the form signature field method is used, set the signature field object
according to Table 1;
- If the signature field is marked, set the signature field object according to
Table 2.
2) For digital signatures with signature appearance, place the appearance image
in the area specified by the Rect key of the PDF AP appearance. It is up to the
application to ensure that the source of the appearance image is authentic.
b) Determine the PDF digital signature protection range. Set the ByteRange value in
the signature dictionary in Table 3.
c) According to the signature processing mode of Filter or SubFilter in the signature
dictionary definition in Table 3 and the original text established by the PDF digital
signature protection range specified by ByteRange, the hash value is calculated
for the original text according to the hash algorithm in GB/T 32905.
d) Call the operator's signature private key to digitally sign the hash value of the
signature information.
- Call the operator's signature private key to digitally sign the hash value of step
c). Pack it according to the original signedData signature format in GB/T 35275;
- If a timestamp is also required, create the timestamp data according to 6.7 of
this document to form the final signature data type signedData format. After
DER encoding, put it into the Contents field of Table 3 as a hexadecimal string.
e) According to the PDF document format, a signed PDF document is generated.
In addition, in multi-signature application scenarios such as official document
circulation and multi-person approval, if there is already a digital signature in the
document, when signing again, a new signature shall be added or one of the multiple
signatures shall be deleted by incremental PDF update, but the validity of the remaining
original signatures must not be changed.
6.6 Digital signature verification
The PDF digital signature verification process is as follows.
a) Select a signed PDF document. Based on the signature field object, signature
dictionary and other information in the document, parse and obtain the relevant
information required to verify the signature.
b) Perform signature verification based on the Filter or SubFilter signature
processing method. Parse the Contents to be in the signature data format in GB/T
35275.Verify the validity of the signature according to the signedData format in
GB/T 35275.If a timestamp is included, verify the timestamp.
c) Verify the validity of digital certificates, including certificate chain, certificate
validity period, certificate status, etc.
d) The PDF reader displays the signature verification effect based on the verification
6.7 Timestamp
PDF documents can contain timestamps. Timestamps can prove that the digital
signature of a PDF document existed before a certain time.
For PDF digital signatures with timestamps, the calculation source of the timestamp is
the SM2Signature value in the signature data format signedData of GB/T 35275.The
timestamp result is placed in the unauthenticatedAttributes field defined in the signature
data format signedData of GB/T 35275.
The PDF timestamp data format complies with the provisions of GB/T 20520.
7 PDF electronic signature
7.1 Overview
PDF electronic signature is used to verify the authenticity of the identity of the PDF
document signer, ensure the integrity of the document content, and the non-repudiation
of the document signing behavior.
PDF electronic signature uses the private key of the document signer to perform a
signature operation on the PDF document. The signature operation is implemented by
calling the PDF signature processing program.
The signature appearance is used for the visual presentation of PDF electronic
signatures, which is described by the appearance (AP) object. The appearance AP
defines the appearance of the signature on the PDF page. The Rect defines the position
and size of the signature on the PDF page. The height and width of the Rect of an
invisible signature shall be 0.PDF readers that conform to this document shall treat
such a signature as invisible in appearance.
- If the standard signature field method is used, the signature attribute object is
set according to Table 4;
- If the signature field is marked, set the signature attribute object according to
Table 5.
2) Set the appearance of the PDF electronic signature. Place the seal image in the
specified area by using the Rect key in the PDF AP appearance. The seal image
shall be taken from the electronic seal that complies with GB/T 38540.The
original size data of the seal image shall be stored in the PDF and cannot be
changed. GB/T 38540 specifies the physical size of the seal image, but the
display size of the seal image in the PDF can be adjusted as needed in actual
b) Determine the protection range of the PDF electronic signature. Set the
ByteRange value in the signature dictionary in Table 6.
c) Determine the original text according to the Filter or SubFilter signature
processing method in the signature dictionary definition in Table 6 and the PDF
electronic signature protection range specified by ByteRange. Call the hash
algorithm in GB/T 32905 to calculate the hash value. Put the hash result into the
original text hash value dataHash field in the electronic signature structure of
GB/T 38540.
d) Call the operator's signature private key to perform electronic signature. Calculate
the signature value according to the signature format. The specific signature
process follows the description of GB/T 38540.If a timestamp is required, create
the timestamp data according to 6.7 of this document and attach it to the end of
the electronic signature. After DER encoding, put it into the Contents field of
Table 6 in a hexadecimal string.
e) According to the PDF document format, a signed PDF document is generated.
In addition, in multiple signature application scenarios such as official document
circulation and multi-person approval, if there is already an electronic signature in the
document, when the signature is processed, a new signature shall be added or one of
the original signatures shall be deleted by incremental PDF update, but the validity of
the remaining original signatures must not be changed.
7.6 Electronic signature verification
The PDF electronic signature verification process is as follows.
a) Select a signed PDF document. According to the signature field object, signature
dictionary and other information in the document, parse and obtain the relevant
information required to verify the signature.
b) Perform signature verification based on the Filter or SubFilter signature
processing method. In addition to verifying the validity of the signature according
to the electronic signature verification process in GB/T 38540, the application can
verify the consistency of the seal image in the PDF signature appearance and the
original seal image in the electronic signature data as required.
c) Verify the validity of digital certificates, including certificate chain, certificate
validity period, certificate status, etc.
d) The PDF reader displays the signature verification effect based on the verification
7.7 Timestamp
PDF documents can contain timestamps. Timestamps can prove that the electronic
signature of a PDF document existed before a certain time.
For PDF electronic signatures with timestamps, the original text of timestamp
calculation and storage conform to GB/T 38540.The original text of timestamp is the
signature value in the electronic signature structure. The timestamp result is attached to
the end of the electronic signature.
The PDF timestamp data format complies with the provisions of GB/T 20520.
8 PDF encryption and decryption
8.1 Encryption mechanism
PDF documents can be encrypted to protect their contents from unauthorized access.
Encrypts all strings and streams in the PDF file that apply to the document, except for
the following.
a) The value of the ID entry in the trailer;
b) Any string in the Encrypt Directory;
c) Any strings inside streams such as content streams and compressed object streams,
which are themselves encrypted.
The encryption information is stored in the Encrypt item of the trailer dictionary. The
attribute information related to encryption is described by defining the Encrypt
There are two main encryption methods for PDF encryption and decryption. password-
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.