GB/T 2554-2008 English PDF (GB/T 2554.1-1998, GB 2554-1984)

GB/T 2554-2008_English: PDF (GB/T2554-2008)
Standard IDUSDBUY PDFLead-DaysStandard Title (Description)Status
GB/T 2554-2008189 Add to Cart 3 days Mechanical dividing heads Valid
GB/T 2554.1-1998279 Add to Cart 3 days Mechanical dividing heads Testing of accuracy Obsolete
GB 2554-1984239 Add to Cart 2 days Mechanical dividing heads--Testing of the accuracy Obsolete

Standard ID GB/T 2554-2008 (GB/T2554-2008)
Description (Translated English) Mechanical dividing heads
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J52
Classification of International Standard 25.060.20
Word Count Estimation 8,823
Date of Issue 2008-06-03
Date of Implementation 2009-01-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 2554.1-1998; GB/T 2554.2-1998
Quoted Standard GB/T 1443-1996; GB/T 3837-2001; GB/T 5900.1-1997; GB/T 17421.1-1998; JB/T 2326-2005; JB/T 3207-2005; JB/T 5563-1991
Adopted Standard ISO 5734-1986, MOD
Drafting Organization Yantai Universal Machine Tool Accessory Group Co., Ltd.
Administrative Organization National Standardization Technical Committee of metal cutting machine tools
Regulation (derived from) National Standard Approval Announcement 2008 No.9 (Total No.122)
Proposing organization China Machinery Industry Federation
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This standard specifies the general purpose, machines with mechanical indexing head (hereinafter referred to as the dividing head) Classification and nomenclature, accuracy test, technical requirements, inspection rules, logo and packaging. This standard applies to dividing head manufacturing and testing.

Standard ID GB/T 2554.1-1998 (GB/T2554.1-1998)
Description (Translated English) Mechanical dividing heads Testing of accuracy
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard J52
Classification of International Standard 25.060.20
Word Count Estimation 7,756
Date of Issue 1998/11/18
Date of Implementation 1999/9/1
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB 2554-1984
Adopted Standard ISO 5734-1986, MOD
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 9 in 2008 (No. 122 overall)
Proposing organization Ministry of Machinery Industry
Issuing agency(ies) State Quality and Technical Supervision

Standard ID GB 2554-1984 (GB2554-1984)
Description (Translated English) Mechanical dividing heads--Testing of the accuracy
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard J52
Word Count Estimation 6,695
Date of Issue 1981/3/30
Date of Implementation 1985/3/1
Adopted Standard ISO 5734-1978, NEQ

GB/T 2554-2008 Mechanical dividing heads ICS 25.060.20 J52 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replacing GB/T 2554.1 ~ 2554.2-1998 Mechanical dividing heads (ISO 5734. 1986, Acceptanceconditionsofmechanicaldividingheadsfor machinetools-Testingofaccuracy, MOD) Posted 2008-06-03 2009-01-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Foreword This revised standard adopts ISO 5734. 1986 "testing machine precision mechanical dividing heads Test Conditions" (in English). This standard and ISO 5734. 1986 with the following important differences. --- Unit of measurement using ISO 5734. 1986 in metric units; --- Increasing the classification and naming, technical requirements, inspection rules, signs and packaging. This standard replaces GB/T 2554.1-1998 "Mechanical dividing heads accuracy test" and GB/T 2554.2-1998 "Mechanical dividing heads Classification and technical conditions. " This standard and GB/T 2554.1-1998, GB/T 2554.2-1998 compared to the major differences are. --- The GB/T 2554.1 and GB/T 2554.2 integrated as a standard; --- Reconfirmed the validity of reference standards. The standard proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation. The standard metal cutting machine tools by the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC22) centralized. This standard was drafted. Yantai Universal Machine Tool Accessory Group Co., Ltd., Tsinghua Machinery Plant. The main drafters of this standard. when said Qing, beginning Fu-chun, Wang Guosheng, Wang Xinglin. This standard replaces the standards previously issued as follows. --- GB/T 2553-1973, GB/T 2553-1981; --- GB/T 2554-1973, GB/T 2554-1981, GB/T 2554-1984; --- GB/T 2554.1-1998; --- GB/T 2554.2-1998. Mechanical dividing heads 1 Scope This standard specifies the general purpose machine with a mechanical dividing head (hereinafter referred to as dividing head) of classification and naming, precision inspection, technical requirements, Inspection rules, signs and packaging. This standard applies to dividing head of manufacturing and testing. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard. GB/T 1443-1996 and machine tool shank with clips from the cone (eqv ISO 296.1991) GB/T 3837-2001 7.24 taper shank tool manually (eqv ISO 297. 1988) GB/T 5900.1-1997 spindle noses and face plates - Sizes for interchangeability - Part 1. A type (eqv ISO 702-1. 1975) GB/T 17421.1-1998 Test code for machine tools - Part 1. under no-load or finishing conditions Geometric accuracy of machines (Eqv ISO 230-1.1996) JB/T 2326-2005 model designation of machine tool accessories JB/T 3207-2005 machine tool accessories packaging technology JB/T 5563-1991 Metal Cutting Machine conical surface coloring method test and evaluation 3 Classification and Nomenclature Type 3.1 3.1.1 type dividing head into universal type and semi-universal type (see Figure 1). 3.1.2 dividing head model should be consistent with the provisions of JB/T 2326-2005 of. 3.2 Parameter Dividing head recommended parameters specified in Figure 1 and Table 1. NOTE. Missing semi-universal type differential indexing hanging round the connecting portion than the universal type. Figure 1 ......

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