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GB/T 24926-2024 English PDF (GB 24926-2010)

GB/T 24926-2024_English: PDF (GB/T24926-2024)
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GB/T 24926-2024English459 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] Performance and measurement method for braking of all-terrain vehicles Valid GB/T 24926-2024
GB 24926-2010English719 Add to Cart 4 days [Need to translate] [GB/T 24926-2010] Performance and measurement method for braking of all-terrain vehicles Obsolete GB 24926-2010

Standard ID GB/T 24926-2024 (GB/T24926-2024)
Description (Translated English) Performance and measurement method for braking of all-terrain vehicles
Sector / Industry National Standard (Recommended)
Classification of Chinese Standard T24
Classification of International Standard 43.040.40
Word Count Estimation 22,299
Date of Issue 2024-03-15
Date of Implementation 2024-10-01
Older Standard (superseded by this standard) GB/T 24926-2010
Drafting Organization China Merchants Testing Vehicle Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Chunfeng Power Co., Ltd., Chongqing Loncin Locomotive Co., Ltd., Chongqing Runtong Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Taotao Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd. company
Administrative Organization National Four-wheeled All-terrain Vehicle Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 344)
Proposing organization National Four-wheeled All-terrain Vehicle Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 344)
Issuing agency(ies) State Administration for Market Regulation, National Standardization Administration

Standard ID GB 24926-2010 (GB24926-2010)
Description (Translated English) [GB/T 24926-2010] Performance and measurement method for braking of all-terrain vehicles
Sector / Industry National Standard
Classification of Chinese Standard T24
Classification of International Standard 43.040.40
Word Count Estimation 18,118
Date of Issue 2010-08-09
Date of Implementation 2011-01-01
Quoted Standard GB/T 24936
Drafting Organization National Motorcycle Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Chongqing)
Administrative Organization ATVs nationwide four Standardization Technical Committee
Regulation (derived from) Announcement of Newly Approved National Standards No. 3, 2010 (No. 158 overall)
Proposing organization National four ATVs Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 344)
Issuing agency(ies) Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China; Standardization Administration of China
Summary This Chinese standard specifies the all-terrain vehicle braking performance requirements and test methods. This standard applies to all-terrain vehicles.

GB/T 24926-2024.Braking performance requirements and test methods for all-terrain vehicles ICS 43.040.40 CCST24 National Standards of People's Republic of China Replaces GB/T 24926-2010 Braking performance requirements and test methods for all-terrain vehicles Released on 2024-03-15 2024-10-01 Implementation State Administration for Market Regulation The National Standardization Administration issued Table of Contents Preface I 1 Range 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and Definitions 1 4 Structural and functional requirements 2 5 Braking system test and performance requirements 4 6 Test methods 9 Appendix A (Normative) Braking performance requirements and requirements for Class Y four-wheel all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and Class Y recreational field vehicles (go-karts) Test method 15 Appendix B (Normative) Partial failure test and performance requirements for multi-circuit service brake systems 17 Appendix C (Normative) Power brake system failure test and performance requirements 18 Appendix D (Normative) Failure test and performance requirements of linked brake system 19 Preface This document is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 1.1-2020 "Guidelines for standardization work Part 1.Structure and drafting rules for standardization documents" Drafting. This document replaces GB/T 24926-2010 "All-terrain vehicle braking performance requirements and test methods" and is consistent with GB/T 24926-2010. In addition to structural adjustments and editorial changes, the main technical changes are as follows. ---Changed the controller, energy transmission device, service brake system, emergency brake system, multi-circuit service brake system, disconnect engine, initial Initial brake temperature, wheel lock terms and definitions (see 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10,.2010 edition 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.12); --- Deleted the terms and definitions of independent braking system, anti-lock braking system, initial braking speed and load (see 3.6,.2010 edition 3.8, 3.11, 3.14); --- Added the terms and definitions of test speed, full load, light load, braking system, brake, power-assisted braking system and maximum speed (see 3.9, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17); --- Changed the structural and functional requirements (see Chapter 4, Chapter 4 of the.2010 edition); --- Added the requirements for warning lights of multi-circuit service brake systems and special requirements for equipment of four-wheel all-terrain vehicles (see 4.1.11,; --- Deleted the requirements for ABS warning lights (see and of the.2010 edition); --- Changed the equipment requirements for multi-purpose all-terrain vehicles (UV) and recreational field vehicles (go-kart), and the functional requirements for parking brake systems (see, 4.3.3,, of the.2010 edition); --- Added brake system test and performance requirements for Class Y four-wheel all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and Class Y recreational field vehicles (go-kart) (see 5.1); --- Changed the test speed deviation requirements, test road surface requirements, environmental conditions requirements, test speed, and brake control force requirements during the test. Requirements, braking force balance requirements, parking brake test requirements (see,,,,, --- Deleted the performance requirements for type 0 brake test (see of the.2010 edition); --- Added dry braking test of operating the brake controller alone, dry braking of operating the brake controller at the same time, and high-speed braking test performance requirements for the wet brake test (see,,,; --- Added brake system failure requirements (see; --- Added test methods for Class Y four-wheel all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and Class Y recreational field vehicles (go-kart) (see 6.1); --- The test sequence table has been changed (see 6.2.1, 6.1 of the.2010 edition); --- Deleted the dry brake test with engine disconnected (0-type test) and the dry brake test with engine connected (0-type test) Methods (see 6.4 and 6.5 of the.2010 edition); --- Added dry brake test of operating brake controller alone, dry brake test of operating brake controller at the same time, high-speed braking Test methods for test and wet brake test (see 6.2.4, 6.2.5, 6.2.6, 6.2.7); --- Added the braking performance requirements and test methods for Class Y four-wheel all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and Class Y recreational field vehicles (go-kart), Partial failure test and performance requirements of multi-circuit service brake system, failure test and performance requirements of power-assisted brake system, linkage brake System failure test and performance requirements (see Appendix A to Appendix D); --- Deleted the test methods and requirements for the braking performance of all-terrain vehicles equipped with ABS braking systems, the adhesion coefficient (K) and the adhesion The test method for the braking performance of all-terrain vehicles exported to the United States and the performance requirements (see Appendix.2010) Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C). Please note that some of the contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing organization of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document was proposed and coordinated by the National Four-wheel All-Terrain Vehicle Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC344). This document was drafted by. China Merchants Vehicle Inspection and Certification Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection and Certification Technology Research Center Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Chunfeng Power Co., Ltd., Chongqing Loncin Motorcycle Co., Ltd., Chongqing Runtong Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Taotao Vehicle Co., Ltd. LIMITED. The main drafters of this document are. Gong Guobin, Fan Lichang, Wang Jiajia, Ding Jianli, Chen Xiaoping, Zhang Chao, and Cao Matao. This document was first published in.2010 and this is the first revision. Braking performance requirements and test methods for all-terrain vehicles 1 Scope This document specifies the structural and functional requirements, brake system testing and performance requirements, and test methods for all-terrain vehicles. This document applies to the design, development, production and testing of all-terrain vehicle braking systems. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in this document. For referenced documents without a date, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to This document. GB/T 24936 Terminology of all-terrain vehicles 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 24936 and the following apply to this document. 3.1 Controller A component directly operated by the driver to provide the energy required for braking or control to the energy transmission device. 3.2 Energy transmission device A combination of components that connect the functions of the controller and the brake. 3.3 Service brake system servicebrakesystem A braking system that slows down a moving vehicle. 3.4 Combined brake system; CBS A service brake system in which the brakes on all wheels are controlled by a single controller. 3.5 Emergency brake system secondary brake system A second service brake system installed on a vehicle equipped with a linked brake system. 3.6 Braking system that controls the brakes on all wheels. Note. The system is controlled by a single controller for two or more subsystems. Failure of any subsystem (such as system failure caused by hydraulic pipeline leakage) does not affect the Other subsystem functions. 3.7 enginedisconnected The engine is disconnected from the drive wheels. ......

GB 24926-2010 Performance and measurement method for braking of all-terrain vehicles ICS 43.040.40 T24 National Standards of People's Republic of China All-terrain vehicle braking performance requirements and test methods Issued on. 2010-08-09 2011-01-01 implementation Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China released Table of Contents Preface Ⅰ 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions 4 structure and functional requirements 2 5 Brake System Test and Performance Requirements 3 6 Test methods 6 Appendix A (normative) equipped with ABS braking system of the all-terrain vehicle braking performance test 10 Appendix B (normative) adhesion coefficient (K) and the adhesion utilization (ε) determined 12 Annex C (informative) export all-terrain vehicle braking performance of the United States 13 Foreword The standard Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Appendix A and Appendix B mandatory, the rest are recommended. The standard four all-terrain vehicle by the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC344) and focal points. This standard is drafted by. National Motorcycle Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Chongqing). Participated in the drafting of this standard. Shanghai Motor Vehicle Inspection Center, Hangzhou Chunfeng Holdings Group Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chongqing Construction Mount Motorcycle Co., step Yang Group Co., Ltd., Panyu in South China Motor Corporation Ltd., Chongqing Astronautic Bashan Motorcycle Manufacturing Co. the company. The main drafters of this standard. He Dajun, Fu Hanan, Jiang Yong, Ding Jianli, Pengli Lin, Shen Chang Group, Luo Jianhua, Zhu Zhu, Wang Jiangdong. The standard implementation of the transition period. For new styling products, from the date of implementation of standard self-purposes; for already established products from the standard implementation of the 12 months after the date of implementation. All-terrain vehicle braking performance requirements and test methods 1 Scope This standard specifies the braking performance requirements and test methods ATVs. This standard applies to all-terrain vehicles. 2 Normative references The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard and become the standard terms. For dated references, subsequent Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to the agreement are based on research Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard. GB/T 24936 ATVs term 3 Terms and Definitions And the following terms and definitions GB/T 24936 apply to this standard established. 3.1 Controller control Directly operated by the driver to the energy transfer means provides a brake or control components of the energy needed. The energy may be the driver of muscle Telescopic energy or other energy from the driver's control, or a combination of these energies. 3.2 Energy transfer means transmission Its function is connected between the controller and a combination of parts of the brake. If the braking force is not generated by the driver but controlled by the driver Or auxiliary system of energy generation, the energy storage device is also part of the energy transfer device. 3.3 Brake system (main brake) servicebrakesystem The main brake system for driving a vehicle deceleration. 3.4 Linkage braking system combinedbrakesystem, CBS By a single controller to control all the wheel brakes brake system. 3.5 Emergency braking system secondarybrakesystem The second service brake system assembly braking system of the vehicle. 3.6 Independent braking systems singlebrakesystem Only one axis in a brake system. 3.7 Multi-circuit brake system splitservicebrakesystem, SSBS Hydraulic brake linkage braking system consisting of a hydraulic brake system consists of two or more subsystems from a single Control signal. 3.8 Anti-lock braking system antilockbrakesystem, ABS A wheel can be determined with respect to the slippage of the ground, and can automatically adjust the braking force of the wheels, the wheels relative to the ground thereby limiting The degree of spin systems. 3.9 Disengage the engine enginedisconnected Engine and the wheel force transmission chain is disconnected, no longer transmit torque. 3.10 The initial brake temperature initialbraketemperature Front brake disc brake began surface or outer brake drum surface temperature. 3.11 Brake initial velocity testspeed The braking force at the beginning of the implementation of the instantaneous speed of the vehicle. 3.12 Wheels from locking wheellock Slip occurs factor of 100% of the cases. 3.13 The average control averagecontrolforce During braking, the vehicle between 80% to 10% of the average of the initial speed braking control force. 3.14 Load load Vehicle loading cargo as specified by the manufacturer of the vehicle rated cargo. 4 structure and functional requirements 4.1 braking equipment 4.1.1 general requirements ATVs should be set to meet the performance requirements of the deceleration, parking and parking braking systems. brake friction plate shall not contain asbestos. After proper lubrication and adjustment, the operation of the brake system should be flexible. In the case without disassembling the brake friction material thickness is visible; or friction material is not visible, but the amount of wear can pass According to this purpose over a device designed to assess. brake wear should be able to adjust the device manually or automatically adjust compensation, brake pad wear to be replaced Prior to the point where the brake should be adjusted to the effective working position. a properly adjusted brake system components should not be in contact with the parts unrelated to the job. For hydraulic brake system In the multi-circuit brake system, when a sub-hydraulic brake system leakage should not affect other sub-brake system Braking capability. Each brake circuit should have a reservoir. The minimum storage capacity of the reservoir fluid to meet all of the brake circuit brake The friction plate to adjust the required 1.5 times the volume of liquid from the latest position to wear to the limit position. in the design and manufacture of the reservoir, it should take into account the ease of check fluid level. brake fluid should not braking system related parts have a corrosive effect. During the test and after the test is completed, friction material should not block and hoof separation; if the hydraulic brake, brake fluid should not leak. Assembly ABS system of the vehicle shall be fitted with a yellow warning light. Vehicle ABS system failure affect brake function , The warning lights. When function tests, ignition start switch, warning lights, warning lights off after completion of the detection. When the ignition switch is in the "on" position When a fault occurs, warning lights. 4.1.2 ATVs equipment requirements all-terrain vehicle ATV all-terrain vehicle ATV should have independent front brake system and rear braking system is operated independently or simultaneously operated front control, After the brake linkage braking system or a combination of the two brake systems brake system. independent front brake system operated by a controller located on the right handlebar brake lever on the manipulation, when the front steering system When the actuator handle, the hand can not leave the handle. independently operated rear brake system shall be located on the right side of the footrest at the foot brake pedal manipulation. No clutch manipulation The vehicle can be located on the left handlebar lever left brake lever manipulation; when braking with brake handle, the hand can not leave the handle. front linkage braking system, rear brake pedal by the foot brake at the right side of the footrest manipulation; or the right side of the handlebar Right brake lever manipulation; when there is no clutch operating lever on the left by the left hand brake lever manipulation or both Have. When the hand brake lever brake, the hand can not leave the handle. When linkage braking system, all-terrain vehicles should be provided with an emergency braking system. The emergency braking system but the parking brake system EC, but the emergency braking system controllers and devices should not be able to transfer the service brake controller and energy transfer device is the same device. terrain vehicles and multi-purpose entertainment venue Cart versatile terrain vehicles and recreational space vehicles should be equipped with a foot brake pedal operated brake system linkage control. terrain vehicles and multi-purpose entertainment but parking brake system with space vehicles should be equipped with an emergency braking system, emergency braking system. Function 4.1.3 braking system brake system Regardless of the level of vehicle speed, load size, vehicle uphill or downhill, the service brake control system shall be capable of driving the vehicle, and make the vehicle safe, Quickly and effectively to stop; the brake operation should be gradual; configuration of the vehicle should be able to ensure the driver to easily operate in the normal driving position Controller, and hands off the steering wheel or not the direction. Emergency braking system In case of failure of the brake system, the use of the emergency braking system to take emergency brake, within a reasonable distance of the vehicle stop Live; the brake operation should be gradual; the driver should be in a normal driving position, one hand holding the steering wheel or at least under the direction of the real situation Now the emergency brake. parking brake system The parking brake shall be capable of purely mechanical means to lock the working parts, the vehicle stopped at the uphill or downhill place, even if the driver leaves the car Vehicles also true. The driver should be able to achieve operation of the braking system on the seat. 5 Brake System tests and performance requirements 5.1 Test conditions 5.1.1 general requirements brake system (including emergency braking system) with the performance of the braking distance and/or the mean fully developed deceleration to determine. It refers to the performance of the braking system under specified conditions by measuring the stopping distance corresponding to the initial speed of operation or mean fully developed deceleration issued to determine. brake initial velocity should be within the specified test speed ± 2km/h. Within the tolerance range, the actual speed deviates from the specified speed of love Under conditions, use the following formula to the actual stopping distance is corrected using the corrected distance is determined. Braking distance basic equations of motion. S = 0.1VX × V2 Where. S --- braking distance in meters (m); V --- the vehicle speed in kilometers per hour (km/h); --- Each test X-factor. With the actual vehicle speed to calculate the corrected braking distance. Ss = 0.1Vs (Sa-0.1Va) × V2s/V2a Where. Ss --- corrected braking distance in meters (m); Test vehicle speed Vs --- specified in units of kilometers per hour (km/h); Sa --- actual braking distance in meters (m); Va --- Preliminary actual vehicle speed in kilometers per hour (km/h). The average deceleration (dm) fully developed will be calculated by the following formula. dm = V b-V2e 25.92 × (Se-Sb) Where. The average deceleration dm --- fully developed, in meters per second squared (m/s2); Vb --- 0.8Va, units of kilometers per hour (km/h); Ve --- 0.1Va, units of kilometers per hour (km/h); Sb --- from Va to Vb distance in meters (m); Se --- from Va to Ve distance in meters (m). 5.1.2 Test Equipment instrument can continue to record deceleration control and the vehicle. Speed and distance measuring instrument accuracy of less than or equal to 1%. the braking force measurement equipment should be able to record growth during the braking force maximum and the maximum difference, instrument accuracy less than or equal 5%. 5.1.3 Test the road Dynamic braking test road test area should be clean, dry and level surface, vertical gradient of less than 1%, less than the transverse slope 3% slip road adhesion coefficient is not less than 0.7. Test channel width is 2.5m plus the vehicle width. 5.1.4 environmental conditions ambient temperature is 0 ℃ ~ 45 ℃. wind speed of not more than 5m/s. 5.1.5 Vehicle Requirements During the test, the tires inflated to the vehicle specified by the manufacturer of the tire under load pressure. The vehicle shall be adjusted to a normal running state. The amount of wear of the tire ATVs tread depth of not more than 20%. mass distribution vehicle to be tested shall be required by the manufacturer of the load, load status should comply with the requirements of each type of test and test report The will be described. For vehicles equipped with a detachable vehicle maximum speed limit means the device should be removed and fitted for adjustable maximum speed limit Vehicle maximum speed should be prepared to adjust the restriction device to device to make the vehicle reaches the maximum speed state. 5.1.6 Test requirements driver mass of about 75kg (including luggage). The driver should sit in normal driving position, and the entire duration of the test should be kept in the same position. should be various types of test prescribed manner and speed. When the vehicle starts to brake in the middle of each test channel should not be locking the wheels, the vehicle does not deviate from the path and no abnormal test Measuring braking performance under vibration conditions. Acting on the controller during the test shall not exceed the maximum force of the type specified in the test vehicle. for vehicles with automatic clutch, regardless of the engine test requirements of clutch engagement or separation, are in the nature of a clutch Use state; but if there is a vehicle automatic clutch neutral position, for disengaging the engine test select neutral position. Unless otherwise specified, the start of each brake when the brake temperature shall be not less than 55 ℃ range and less than or equal of 100 ℃ Around inside. brake temperature measurement as far as the outer surface of the disc brake and brake drum central portion, the contact friction brake discs and thermocouple system Moving surface of the drum. Unless otherwise specified, the initial velocity of the test. --- Maximum speed ≤50km/h. 40km/h or 90% Vmax in whichever is lower; --- Maximum speed> 50km/h. 60km/h or 90% Vmax in whichever is lower. Braking times. Unless otherwise specified, until the vehicle braking performance to meet the requirements, but up to 6 times. The test shall be recorded in the initial temperature of the brake, brake initial velocity, the average control, braking distance, average deceleration etc. parameter. 5.1.7 application point of control, direction and requirements For manual control handle, control force (F) applied to the front end surface of the brake lever, the brake handle is rotated in a plane perpendicular to the brakeman Handle pivotally connected to the handle pivot axis between the outermost end (see Figure 1). Point of the brake force is applied to the handle end of the outermost distance of 50mm. When measuring the distance along the brake lever and brake lever pivot Axis connecting the outermost end of the measurement. figure 1 For foot control pedal control applied at right angles to the center pedal. acting on the average traffic controller control. --- Hand control ≤200N; --- Foot control ≤500N. Acting on the parking brake control. --- Hand control ≤400N; --- Foot control ≤500N. 5.2 Performance Requirements 5.2.1 Service brake braking force Front-wheel braking force is not less than 60% of the charge axle, rear wheel braking force is not less than 55% of the rear wheel axle bearing. braking force balance does not apply to the left and right wheels mounted on the shaft of a whole. Driving braking force between the left and right wheels of the same axle should be distributed fairly. Around the same axis of the wheel braking force difference maximum braking force in the whole process of growth simultaneously measured, and the whole process measured Left and right wheels on the shaft than the maximum braking force is greater, the front axle of not more than 20%; the rear axle (and other axes) in the braking force is not greater than the shaft Axle load of 60%, not more than 24%. When the rear axle (and other axes) at the time of the braking force is not less than 60% of the axle load, the braking force growth The entire process of simultaneously measured left and right wheel braking force difference between the maximum value should not exceed 8% of the axle load. Requirements and of the production process to evaluate the braking performance of the bench, in the brake performance appears When questioned, the braking distance to a road test or brake deceleration results shall prevail. 0 Brake After the service brake in accordance with the appropriate test conditions, 0 brake braking performance test shall meet the requirements of Table 1. Table 10 brake test performance requirements Test type braking distance S/m deceleration dm/(m/s2) Only the front brake system S≤0.1V V2/115 ≥4.4 Only the rear brake system S≤0.1V V2/75 ≥2.9 Linkage braking (CBS) S≤0.1V V2/130 ≥5.0 Emergency braking system S≤0.1V V2/65 ≥2.5 Combined engine S≤0.1V V2/130 ≥5.0 Note 1. As a result of the adhesion limit, when only the front brake or the rear brake only can not achieve the prescribed limits, can be under load before and after the brake while braking, braking You should be able to meet the requirements of the brake linkage. Note 2. V is the test speed specified in units of kilometers per hour (km/h). heat fade test 6.6 Test procedures follow. Braking distance. S2 ≤1.67 × S1-0.67 × 0.1 × V Where. Reference S1 --- completion of the test described correction braking distance in meters (m); Hot brake test S2 --- 6.6.3 describe the complete correction braking distance in meters (m); V --- the specified test speed in kilometers per hour (km/h). or. Braking deceleration (dm) shall be not less than 60% of the deceleration value of record. 5.2.2 Emergency braking After the emergency brake in accordance with the appropriate test conditions, the braking performance shall meet the requirements of Table 1. 5.2.3 Parking Brake In the case where the vehicle up and down the parking brake system are able to keep the vehicle stable at 18% of the ramp. 6 Test Method 1) 1) braking performance and test methods for export ATVs United States and the corresponding countries in Appendix C. 6.1 Test procedure Test according to the following test sequence. --- Brakes Running; --- Braking force test; --- Disengage the engine dry braking test (Type 0 test); --- Combined with dry brake test engine (Type 0 test); --- Heat fade test (Ⅰ type test); --- Parking brake system test. 6.2 Brakes Running 6.2.1 In the vehicle braking performance evaluation is required before the run. NOTE. Running the program completed by the manufacturer. 6.2.2 vehicle curb weight status. 6.2.3 disengage the engine. 6.2.4 First Running speed of 50km/h or 80% Vmax, whichever is lower; the end of the speed of 5km/h ~ 10km/h. 6.2.5 Each controller performs alone. 6.2.6 vehicle deceleration of 3.0m/s2 ~ 3.5m/s2; deceleration can not reach 3.0m/s2 ~ 3.5m/s2, according to the vehicle can be achieved The maximum deceleration rate. 6.2.7 Each braking system 100 times. Initial brake temperature before each brake 6.2.8 ≤100 ℃. 6.3 Test of braking force 6.3.1 Test conditions vehicle curb weight in the state. other conditions in accordance with 5.1. 6.3.2 Test Procedure Measurement pilot in the normal driving position sitting or riding all-terrain vehicles front and rear wheels when the front and rear all-terrain vehicle or load shaft Axle load. The all-terrain vehicle to move braking test bench plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the roller center of the vehicle, all-terrain vehicles to prevent fixed Movement during the test; the driver's normal driving or riding position sitting on all-terrain vehicle. There should be neutral ATVs neutral gear. round about the same axis were tested and tested simultaneously. After the start cylinder 2s, braking, added to the required maximum control, the whole process of measuring the braking force increase of left and right wheel brake The difference between the maximum force and the braking force of each wheel. In the measurement of the braking force, in order to obtain adequate adhesion, allowing sufficient increase in the all-terrain vehicle or an additional equivalent of additional mass attached Plus the quality of the force (not included in the additional mass or force axle load). When measuring the brake, it may take measures to prevent the movement of all-terrain vehicles (for example, a triangular traction pad or take other methods). When taking on After the above method, still appears the wheels from locking and the vehicle skidding or removed with rollers on the roller backward phenomenon, but has not yet reached the braking force to be qualified When evaluated, should be replaced by a road test to detect this standard requirements. in the flat when the braking force test rig braking test, the driver will ATVs positive plate brake inspection station to 5km/h ~ 10km/h speed (or braking test station manufacturers recommended speed) travel, set the transmission in neutral (automatic transmission machine EMU can be placed in high-speed transmission), slam the brakes, so that the vehicle is stopped, the measurement parameters required by and braking force of each wheel is measured three times, three measurements of the maximum as the maximum braking force of each wheel; right and left wheels 3 measurements The maximum difference between the average value of the braking force of the left and right wheel braking-force as the maximum difference. 6.4 disengage the engine dry braking test (Type 0 test) 6.4.1 Test conditions vehicle load conditions. Test conditions in accordance with 5.1. 6.4.2 Test Procedure Each service brake system controller alone execution (including brake and emergency brake linkage). Confirm before within each test brake temperature, the hottest brake temperature shall be specified in the 5.1 range. Test channel along the center line, in accordance with normal gear gradual acceleration of the vehicle to the test speed higher than 5km/h, acceleration stops, off Start the engine; when the speed dropped to test speed, rapid implementation of the brake. Until the end of a vehicle to a complete stop braking. In accordance with and Repeat the test until the braking performance meet the requirement, but no more than 6 times. 6.5 engine combined with dry brake test (Type 0 test) 6.5.1 Test conditions vehicle curb weight status conditions. Test conditions in accordance with 5.1. 6.5.2 Test Procedure two vehicle assembly brake system, the implementation of both controllers simultaneously. This test does not apply to a vehicle speed of not more than 50km/h the vehicle. test speed at 30%, 55%, 80% of the maximum speed separately. Confirm before within each test brake temperature, the hottest brake temperature shall be specified in the 5.1 range. along the test channel, in accordance with normal gear acceleration of the vehicle to the highest gear, vehicle speed higher than the test speed 5km/h, stop Acceleration; when the speed dropped to test speed, rapid implementation of the brake. When the vehicle speed to a minimum stable speed, disengage the engine until ...... ......

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