GM/T 0062-2018 PDF English
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Random number test requirements for cryptographic modules
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GM/T 0062-2018: PDF in English (GMT 0062-2018) GM/T 0062-2018
ICS 35.040
L 80
File No.: 62997-2018
Random number test
requirements for cryptographic modules
ISSUED ON: MAY 02, 2018
Issued by: State Cryptography Administration
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
Introduction ... 5
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms, definitions and symbols ... 6
3.1 Terms and definitions ... 6
3.2 Symbols ... 7
4 Random number test instructions ... 7
4.1 Product form division ... 7
4.2 Application phase division ... 8
4.3 Data format ... 8
4.4 Test items ... 8
4.5 Significance level ... 8
4.6 Parameter setting ... 8
5 Random number test for Class A products ... 9
5.1 Sample test ... 9
5.2 Delivery test ... 9
5.3 Power on test ... 9
5.4 Running test ... 9
6 Random number test for Class B products ... 9
6.1 Sample test ... 9
6.2 Delivery test ... 9
6.3 Power on test ... 10
6.4 Running test ... 10
7 Random number test for Class C products ... 10
7.1 Sample test ... 10
7.2 Delivery test ... 10
7.3 Power on test ... 11
7.4 Running test ... 11
8 Random number test for Class D products ... 12
8.1 Sample test ... 12
8.2 Delivery test ... 12
8.3 Power on test ... 12
8.4 Running test ... 12
9 Random number test for Class E products ... 13
9.1 Sample test ... 13
9.2 Delivery test ... 13
9.3 Power on test ... 14
9.4 Running test ... 14
Random number test
requirements for cryptographic modules
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the randomness test index and test requirements for
random number generators to generate random numbers in the application of
cryptographic products.
This Standard applies to the test of random number generators, and can also
guide the development of random number generators.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 32915 Information security technology - Randomness test methods for
binary sequence
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T
32915 and the following apply.
sample test
Product randomness test of manufacturer's product samples, carried out by a
third-party test organization.
delivery test
Product random number function and quality test that is carried out by the
The main feature of Class B products is that they are powered on when used;
the random number test and processing capability is limited; there are strict
requirements for power-on response speed. Typical product form is IC card.
The main feature of Class C products is that they are powered on when used;
the random number test and processing capability is limited; there is no strict
requirement for power-on response speed. Typical product form is USBKey.
The main feature of Class D products is that they are powered on for the long
term; the random number test and processing capability is limited; there is no
strict requirement for power-on response speed. Typical product form is POS
The main feature of Class E products is that they are powered on for the long
term; the random number test and processing capability is strong; there is no
requirement for power-on response speed. Typical product form is server.
This Standard proposes the random number test requirements for each product
4.2 Application phase division
This Standard divides the random number test into four different application
phases: sample test, delivery test, power on test and running test.
For the above 4 application phases, this Standard specifies the corresponding
random number test method.
4.3 Data format
The data to be tested is tested in the form of a binary sequence.
4.4 Test items
The randomness test items used in this Standard involve 15 items specified in
GB/T 32915, which are single-bit frequency test, intra-block frequency test,
poker test, overlapping sub-sequence test, total run test, run distribution test,
intra-block maximum run test, binary derivation test, autocorrelation test, matrix
rank test, accumulate sum test, approximate entropy test, linear complexity test,
general statistical test, discrete Fourier test.
4.5 Significance level
The significance level used in this Standard is a = 0.01.
4.6 Parameter setting
In this Standard, for different application phases of different product forms, the
a) Test amount: The sample length shall not be less than 128 bits.
b) Test item: Single-bit frequency test or poker test. The poker test parameter
m = 2.
c) Test determination criteria: If the tested sequence does not pass the test
criteria, the test is unqualified. It is allowed to repeat the random number
collection and test once. If the repeated test is still unqualified, it is
determined that the random number generator of the product is invalid.
6.3 Power on test
It is not required in this Standard.
6.4 Running test
6.4.1 Cyclical test
It is not required in this Standard.
6.4.2 Single test
The running single test of random numbers includes the following requirements:
a) Test amount: It is determined according to the size of the random number
collected each time in the actual application, but the length shall not be
less than 256 bits, and the unused sequence that has passed the test can
continue to be used.
b) Test item: Poker test, parameter m = 2.
c) Test determination criteria: If the tested sequence does not pass the test
criteria, the test is unqualified. It is allowed to repeat the random number
acquisition and test once. If the repeated test is still unqualified, it is
determined that the random number generator of the product is invalid.
7 Random number test for Class C products
7.1 Sample test
Carry out the random number test according to GB/T 32915.
7.2 Delivery test
The delivery test of random numbers includes the following requirements:
a) Test amount: The sample length shall not be less than 256 bits.
8 Random number test for Class D products
8.1 Sample test
Carry out the random number test according to GB/T 32915.
8.2 Delivery test
The delivery test of random numbers includes the following requirements:
a) Test amount: The sample length shall not be less than 256 bits.
b) Test item: Single-bit frequency test or poker test. The poker test parameter
m = 2.
c) Test determination criteria: If the tested sequence does not pass the test
criteria, the test is unqualified. It is allowed to repeat the random number
collection and test once. If the repeated test is still unqualified, it is
determined that the random number generator of the product is invalid.
8.3 Power on test
The power on test of random numbers includes the following requirements:
a) Test amount: 20 × 104 bit random numbers are collected and divide into
20 groups of 104 bits each.
b) Test item: Poker test, parameter m = 2.
c) Test determination criteria: If 2 or more groups of the tested sequence
does not pass the test criteria, the test is unqualified. It is allowed to repeat
the random number collection and test once. If the repeated test is still
unqualified, it is determined that the random number generator of the
product is invalid.
8.4 Running test
8.4.1 Cyclical test
The running cyclical test of random numbers includes the following
a) Test amount: 5 × 104 bit random numbers are collected and divided into 5
groups of 104 bits each.
b) Test item: Poker test, parameter m = 2.
9.3 Power on test
The power on test of random numbers includes the following requirements:
a) Test amount: 20 × 106 bit random numbers are collected and divided into
20 groups of 106 bits each.
b) Test items: Test according to the test items specified in GB/T 32915.
c) Test determination criteria: If 2 or more groups of the tested sequence
does not pass the test criteria, the test is unqualified. It is allowed to repeat
the random number collection and test once. If the repeated test is still
unqualified, it is determined that the random number generator of the
product is invalid.
9.4 Running test
9.4.1 Cyclical test
The running cyclical test of random numbers includes the following
a) Test amount: 4 × 105 bit random numbers are collected and divided into
20 groups of 2 × 104 bits each.
b) Test items: The collected random numbers are tested according to the 12
items in GB/T 32915, except for discrete Fourier test, linear complexity
test, and general statistical test.
c) Test determination criteria: If 2 or more groups of the tested sequence
does not pass the test criteria, the test is unqualified. It is allowed to repeat
the random number collection and test once. If the repeated test is still
unqualified, it is determined that the random number generator of the
product is invalid.
d) Test period: Configurable, the test interval is no longer than 12 h.
9.4.2 Single test
The running single test of random numbers includes the following requirements:
a) Test amount: It is determined according to the size of the random number
collected each time in the actual application, but the length shall not be
less than 256 bits, and the unused sequence that has passed the test can
continue to be used.
b) Test item: Poker test, parameter m = 2.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: / Wayne Zheng et al.