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JJF 1016-2014 PDF English

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JJF 1016-2014English180 Add to Cart 0-9 seconds. Auto-delivery. The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments Valid
JJF 1016-2009English399 Add to Cart 3 days The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern. Evaluation of Measuring Instruments Obsolete
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JJF 1016-1990English279 Add to Cart 3 days Rules for Drafting Norms of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments Obsolete

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JJF 1016-2014: PDF in English

JJF 1016-2014 NATIONAL METROLOGY TECHINICAL SPECIFICATION OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments ISSUED ON: JANUARY 23, 2014 IMPLEMENTED ON: JULY 23, 2014 Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China ______________________________________________________________ Jurisdiction organization: National Technical Committee on Legal Metrology and Management Metrology Drafting organizations: Beijing Institute of Metrology Beijing Municipal Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision China Institute of Metrology National Technical Committee on Legal Metrology and Management Metrology is entrusted for interpretation of this Rules Replacing JJF 1016-2009 The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments Drafters of this Rules: Wang, Zigang (Beijing Institute of Metrology) Chen, Jinghua (Beijing Municipal Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision) He, Zhao (China Institute of Metrology) Table of Contents Introduction ... 5 1 Scope ... 6 2 References ... 6 3 Terms and definitions ... 6 3.1 Single product ... 6 3.2 Series product ... 6 4 General ... 7 5 Composition of the program of pattern evaluation ... 7 6 Contents of each component of the program of pattern evaluation ... 8 6.1 Cover ... 8 6.2 Title page ... 8 6.3 Table of contents ... 8 6.4 Introduction ... 9 6.5 Scope ... 9 6.6 References ... 9 6.7 Terms ... 9 6.8 General ... 10 6.9 Legal management requirements... 10 6.10 Measurement requirements ... 11 6.11 General technical requirements ... 11 6.12 List of pattern evaluation items ... 14 6.13 Number of prototypes provided and way of using a prototype ... 14 6.14 Test methods and conditions of test items and data processing and qualification criteria ... 15 6.15 List of measuring instruments and equipment used in test items ... 16 6.16 Pattern evaluation record format ... 16 7 Editing detailed rules ... 16 Annex A Pattern evaluation record format ... 17 Introduction JJF 1016-2014 “The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments” is a guiding technical specification for formulating a program of pattern evaluation. It shall also refer to relevant product standards when formulating a program of pattern evaluation. JJF 1016-2014 “The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments” is revised by referring to part of the content of the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) Document No. 19 “Pattern evaluation and pattern approval”, combined with the relevant requirements put forward by the metrology administrative department. Compared with JJF 1016-2009, in addition to editorial changes, the main changes in the technical requirements of this Rules are as follows: - ADD the terms “single product” and “series product” (see 3.1 and 3.2); - PUT FORWARD the requirements for using classification codes in the “scope” (see 6.5); - REFINE the formulating method for electromagnetic environment (immunity) (see; - PUT FORWARD the clear formulating requirements for stability tests (see 6.11.4); - ADD “Number of prototypes provided and way of using a prototype” (see 6.13); PUT FORWARD the principle requirements for the way of providing a prototype and using a prototype; - ADD the “List of measuring instruments and equipment used in the test item” (see 6.15); - ADD the “Pattern evaluation record format” (see 6.16); - DELETE the content about the software evaluation. The previous released versions replaced by this Rules are as follows: - JJF 1016-2009; - JJF 1016-2002; - JJF 1016-1990. The Rules for Drafting Program of Pattern Evaluation of Measuring Instruments 1 Scope This Rules applies to the drafting of program of pattern evaluation of measuring instruments. 2 References JJF 1002-2010 The rules for drafting national metrological verification regulation JJF 1051 Designation and classification code for measuring instrument JJF 1094 Evaluation of the characteristics of measuring instruments GB/T 17799.1 Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic standards - Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments GB/T 17799.2 Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this Rules, the terms and definitions defined in JJF 1001 “General Terms in Metrology and Their Definitions” and the following apply. 3.1 Single product A product of only one specification or model. 3.2 Series product A group of products having the same measurement principle, similar structure (appearance) and satisfying one of the following conditions: a) the accuracy is the same, but the measurement range is different; b) the accuracy is different, but the measurement range is the same and the structure is the same. 4 General The program of pattern evaluation of measuring instruments is the technical basis for the pattern evaluation of measuring instruments, and its drafting shall meet the following requirements: - it shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations; - it shall actively adopt international recommendations, international standards and international documents; - the requirements for each item shall have a basis, including national metrology technical specifications, national standards, industry standards, etc.; - the test method shall be scientific and operable; - the textual expression is of rigorous structure, clear hierarchy, accurate wording; - the terms, symbols, codes, etc. used shall be consistent and comply with the requirements of relevant national standards; - the formula, table, and diagram data shall be correct. 5 Composition of the program of pattern evaluation The composition and drafting sequence of the program of pattern evaluation are as follows: - cover; - title page; - table of contents; - introduction; - scope; - references; - terms; - general; - legal management requirements; - metrological requirements; - general technical requirements; - a list of pattern evaluation items; - number of prototypes provided and way of using a prototype; - test methods and conditions of the test item and data processing and qualification criteria; - a list of measuring instruments used in the test item; - Annex A -- Pattern evaluation record format. 6 Contents of each component of the program of pattern evaluation 6.1 Cover The cover includes the name, serial number, issuing (approval) organization, and date of implementation of the program of pattern evaluation (in English and Chinese). The name of the measuring instrument in the name of the program of pattern evaluation shall be the name in the “Catalogue of Measuring Instruments administered by the People's Republic of China (Pattern Approval Section)”. 6.2 Title page The title page includes information such as the jurisdiction organization, drafting organization, and drafter. 6.3 Table of contents The table of contents shall list the serial number, title and page number of the clause, first-level subclause and annex. The title and page number are connected by a dotted line. 6.4 Introduction The introduction is not numbered and shall include the following: the rules on which the program is based; extent or situation of using technical standards such as international recommendations, international documents, international standards, national standards, and industry standards. If the program is revised, it shall also include the following: a description of all or part of the other documents replaced by the program; the serial number and name of the program or other documents being replaced; the main technical changes compared to the previous edition; whether it is necessary to re-evaluate or partially evaluate the previously approved pattern of an item; the previous released versions replaced the pattern. 6.5 Scope The name and classification code shall be given according to JJF 1051. If the measuring instrument may have other names, it shall be listed in detail. If necessary, it shall clearly write out the measuring instruments that are not applicable. The following typical terms are recommended: “This program of pattern evaluation is applicable to the pattern evaluation of ×××× with the classification code of ××××.” 6.6 References The serial number and name of the references shall be listed. The list of references is in the order of: national metrology technical regulations, national standards, international recommendations, international documents, international standards, and industry standards. The above documents are arranged in sequence numbers. Finally, there shall be a note: “NOTE: For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.” When referencing international recommendations and international documents, the Chinese translated name shall be given after the serial (year) number, and the original name shall be given in the following parentheses. When the references are referenced below, the way of expression is generally “it shall be in accordance with ×××× (write only serial number, not Chinese name) or it shall be based on ×××× (write only serial number, not Chinese name)”. 6.7 Terms For the terms used in the program of pattern evaluation, if they not specified in the current national terminology technical specifications, they shall be defined or stated in the program. The expression of terms is shown in JJF 1002-2010. 6.8 General The general section briefly describes the principle, construction, and applications of measuring instruments and identifies which are the critical components and materials that affect the metrological performance, and lists the critical components and materials in tabular form. Example: List of critical components and materials Serial number name Main performance indicators Remarks 6.9 Legal management requirements 6.9.1 Unit of measurement It shall specify the unit of measurement for the measurement, display, printing and storage of measuring instruments. The unit shall be the national legal unit of measurement. If a measuring instrument measures or displays multiple quantities, it shall be separately specified. 6.9.2 External structure For parts that are not allowed to be adjusted by the user, it shall use a closed structure design or reserve a position for capping and sealing. The structure shall be designed in a form of replaceable seal and it shall specify the position and number of seals. For measuring instruments that require on-site verification, there shall be structures such as interfaces and wiring terminals that facilitate on-site verification. 6.9.3 Mark It shall specify the legal mark of measuring instruments. The test prototype is required to reserve a position to indicate the mark and serial number of the manufacturing license of a measuring instrument and the pattern approval mark and serial number of a measuring instrument. It shall give the contents of the nameplate of measuring instruments, such as metrological performance, working environment conditions, and relevant information of the manufacturer. For measuring instruments of which the accuracy and safety may be affected due to improper installation, there shall be a mark of the installation instructions. 6.9.4 Anti-spoofing measures If necessary, it shall put forward the requirements for anti-spoofing protective measures in the structural design. 6.9.5 Others It must meet other requirements related to legal management. 6.10 Measurement requirements Based JJF 1094 and with reference to national metrology technical specifications, the specific requirements for the metrological performance of measuring instruments are put forward. The metrological performance generally includes the following: measurement range, accuracy level, maximum allowable error, measurement uncertainty, resolution, sensitivity, response time, repeatability, and stability. It may also include ruler spacing, gauge length, gauge spacing, scale graduation, etc. 6.11 General technical requirements The relevant technical requirements shall be put forward with reference to the relevant product standards and according to the working conditions and environmental conditions of measuring instruments. The technical requirements shall be such that: - the metrological performance can remain relatively stable during use; - the measurement results are reliable, simple and clear; - deceptive behaviors are eliminated as much as possible. General technical requirements generally include the following: 6.11.1 Appearance and structure Readability of scale and dial numbers It shall put forward the content to be displayed by the measuring instrument, the form of display (the number of digits before and after the decimal point, the time of display, etc.), and the size (width, height) of the displayed number. Applicability of instrument support and enclosure If necessary, it shall put forward the requirements for of the applicability of instrument enclosure. 6.11.2 Functional requirements It shall put forward the most basic functional requirements for measuring instruments with reference to the relevant product standards. 6.11.3 Environmental adaptability It shall generally be described as “The measuring instruments shall work properly in the following environments”. Climatic environment It shall specify the adaptability (adaptability of metrological performance and function) of measuring instruments under different climatic conditions. The climatic conditions include: temperature, humidity, salt spray, mold, air corrosion, biological damage, solar radiation, etc. The temperature and humidity adaptability requirements put forward shall be appropriate, and the working environment of most of measuring instruments shall be considered. For measuring instruments that operate only in a salt spray environment such as a ship or a seashore, it shall put forward appropriate salt spray adaptability requirements. The mold, air corrosion, and biological damage adaptability requirements shall be put forward on measuring instruments that only works in the above environment. For measuring instruments that may work in the open air, it shall put forward the requirements for solar radiation and IP protection levels. Mechanical environment It shall specify the adaptability (it is the adaptability of metrological performance and function after the application of rated conditions) of measuring instrument under different mechanical environmental conditions. The mechanical environmental conditions include: vibration, impact, collision, drop, etc. For measuring instruments of which the working environment may have vibration and impact sources that may affect the metrological performance, it shall put forward the vibration and impact adaptability requirements. For portable and mobile measuring instruments, it shall put forward the collision and drop adaptability requirements. Electromagnetic environment (immunity) For measuring instruments powered by a dedicated low-voltage utility grid, a dedicated DC power source between the low-voltage utility grid and equipment, or a non-commercial non-common low-voltage power distribution system, it shall carry out the electromagnetic compatibility immunity (EMS) test. In the case of relevant special product or product electromagnetic compatibility immunity standards, it is formulated according to the requirements of its electromagnetic compatibility immunity standard. In the absence of relevant special product or product electromagnetic compatibility immunity standards, it shall put forward the requirements according to GB/T 17799.1. For measuring instruments that are connected to the industrial grid and working in an industrial environment, it shall put forward the requirements on determining the test strength level according to GB/T 17799.2. The requirements for electromagnetic compatibility immunity (EMS) are divided into two aspects: the first is the acceptable phenomena of the test results, the second is the strength level of the test. The acceptable phenomena of the test results are divided into three categories. One of them shall be selected as a phenomenon that can be accepted in the electromagnetic compatibility immunity test of the measuring instrument. The three categories of phenomena are: a) the performance is normal within the specified limits; b) the function or performance is temporarily lost or reduced, but can resume after the disturbance ceases without the intervention of the operator, and the data is not lost; c) the function or performance is temporarily lost or reduced, but it requires the intervention of the operator to resume, and the data is not lost. NOTE: For the measuring instruments of which the metrological performance cannot be evaluated in an electromagnetic compatibility environment, consideration shall be given to using a simulated method to evaluate the metrological performance or not to evaluate the metrological performance, but only to evaluate the function. Power supply environment For measuring instruments that are powered by a dedicated low-voltage utility grid, a dedicated DC power source between the low-voltage utility grid and equipment, or a non-commercial non-common low-voltage power distribution system, it shall carry out the power supply environment adaptability test. The test shall include the metrological performance or functional test in the case of varying combinations of supply voltage and frequency. 6.11.4 Stability The requirements for the stability test are put forward with reference to the relevant product standards or metrology technical specifications. The purpose of the test is to determine the amount of change in the metrological performance of a measuring instrument after operating for a certain period of time or a certain cumulative amount. It shall clearly specify the allowable amount of change in metrological performance. The determination of the operating time or cumulative amount shall consider the operation of the measuring instrument during the evaluation cycle and refer to relevant product standards. It is required that no adjustments or modifications to the prototype is made during operation. 6.12 List of pattern evaluation items The item list for the pattern evaluation of measuring instruments is prepared according to the legal management requirements, measurement requirements and general technical requirements. The list of pattern evaluation items shall include all the observation items and test items. The observation items are the items evaluated by visual inspection, and the test items are the items evaluated by tests. 6.13 Number of prototypes provided and way of using a prototype 6.13.1 Number of prototypes provided Determine the number of prototypes according to the following principles. For single products, provide one to three prototypes. For series products, it shall consider the measuring object, accuracy, measurement range, etc. of the series product, select representative products, and determine the number of prototypes provided by referring to the following principles: a) For products with the same accuracy and different measurement range, when selecting a prototype, it shall include the products with the upper and lower limits of the measurement range. One to three prototypes are provided for each product. b) For products with different accuracies and the same measurement range and structure, when selecting a prototype, it shall include the products with different accuracy levels. One to three prototypes are provided for each product. 6.13.2 Way of using a prototype It shall specify the way of using a prototype. In principle, all test items shall be carried out on the same (or several, if required) prototype, and the prototype shall not be adjusted during the test period and in the test (except those required in the program of pattern evaluation). It can specify that stability or destructive test items can be carried out on separate prototypes. 6.14 Test methods and conditions of test items and data processing and qualification criteria The metrological performance test shall be carried out under the reference conditions and rated conditions, respectively. The reference conditions shall be determined and the tests under rated conditions shall be carried out according to the relevant specifications. The test method for each test item shall be drafted in the following format: - Test purpose This part shall state the purpose of the test, which shall generally be written as “the purpose of the test is to verify whether ×××× meets the requirements of ×××× under the conditions of ××××”. - Test conditions This part shall state the environmental conditions applied to the measuring instrument during the test, including temperature, relative humidity, power source, magnetic field, etc. - Test equipment This part shall provide metrological characteristics and other performance requirements for the measuring instruments and equipment used in the test, which are included in the list in 6.15. - Test procedure The steps of the test are described in the form of a), b), … - Additional procedure requirements (if necessary) This part can describe the additional operations in each step of the test. - Data processing This part shall list the formula for calculating the observed test data and the method for selecting the coefficients used in the formula. If other people’s coefficients or data are used, it shall indicate the source for later checking. - Qualification criteria This part shall specify the qualification conditions of the measuring instrument during or after the test. 6.15 List of measuring instruments and equipment used in test items The measuring instruments and equipment used in test items are filled in by the following list: List of measuring instruments and equipment used in test items Serial number Name of the measuring instrument used Measurement range Main performance indicators Remarks 6.16 Pattern evaluation record format Design the record format according to the requirements of Annex A. 7 Editing detailed rules Implement according to the provisions of Clauses 6 and 7 of JJF 1002-2010. Annex A Pattern evaluation record format I Basic information of prototype Application organization Measuring instrument’s name Specification model Prototype’s serial number II Observe item record Program of pattern evaluation clause No. Requirements + - Remarks NOTE: + - × Pass × Fail The observation item shall include all inspection requirements in the program of pattern evaluation. III Test item record Name of test item Page of Start time of the test: year, month, day, hour, second End time of the test: year, month, day, hour, second Data record of the test Qualification determination criteria of this test item: Conclusion of this test item: Record of abnormalities during the test Measurement range of the measuring instrument used Measurement uncertainty/accuracy level/maximum allowable error Name of the test equipment used Model Serial number Ambient temperature Relative humidity Atmospheric pressure Evaluator Reviewer __________ END __________ ......
Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.