QC/T 1146-2021 PDF English
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Technical specifications of methanol fuel engine
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QC/T 1146-2021: PDF in English (QCT 1146-2021) QC/T 1146-2021
ICS 43.060
CCS T 47
Technical specifications of methanol fuel engine
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 5
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Technical requirements ... 8
5 Test method ... 11
6 Inspection rules ... 12
7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage ... 13
Appendix A (Normative) Main parameters of methanol fuel engine ... 15
Numbers, names and implementation dates of 13 automotive industry
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Date of
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Technical specifications of methanol fuel engine
1 Scope
This document specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test
methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage of
methanol fuel engines for automobiles.
This document applies to ignition engines, that use M100 methanol fuel for
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. For the dated documents, only the versions
with the dates indicated are applicable to this document; for the undated
documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is applicable
to this standard.
GB/T 1859.1 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Measurement of
sound power level using sound pressure - Part 1: Engineering method
GB/T 6809 (all parts) Reciprocating internal combustion engines -
Vocabulary of components and systems
GB 7258 Technical specifications for safety of power-driven vehicles
operating on roads
GB 14023 Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engine - Radio
disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the
protection of off-board receivers
GB/T 14097-2018 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Limit values
of emitted noise
GB 17691-2018 Limits and measurement methods for emissions from diesel
fueled heavy-duty vehicles (CHINA VI)
GB 17930 Gasoline for motor vehicles
GB/T 18297 Performance test code for road vehicle engines
GB 18352.6-2016 Limits and measurement methods for emissions from
light-duty vehicles (CHINA 6)
GB/T 19055 Reliability test methods for motor vehicle engines
GB/T 20651.2 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Safety - Part 2:
Ignition engine
GB/T 23510 Fuel methanol for motor vehicles
GB/T 28046.2 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for
electrical and electronic equipment - Part 2: Electrical loads
GB/T 28046.3 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for
electrical and electronic equipment - Part 3: Mechanical loads
GB/T 28046.4 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for
electrical and electronic equipment - Part 4: Climatic loads
QC/T 471 Specifications for auto diesel engines
QC/T 526 Automobile engine - Engineering approval evaluation program
QC/T 901 Quality inspection and evaluation method of automobile engine
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 6809, as well as the following
terms and definitions, apply to this document.
M100 Methanol fuel for motor vehicles
Chemicals, whose methanol mass content is over 99.5% AND whose purity
meets the requirements of GB/T 23510.
Methanol fuel engine
The ignition engine (hereinafter referred to as engine), that uses M100
methanol fuel for automobile as fuel, allows auxiliary fuel gasoline to be used
for starting; whose gasoline auxiliary fuel cannot be used at the same time
as methanol fuel.
GB/T 28046.2, GB/T 28046.3, GB/T 28046.4.
4.1.9 There shall be no leakage of engine oil, alcohol, water and gas.
4.1.10 The appearance, assembly adjustment quality, cleanliness of the engine
shall meet the requirements of the product drawings and process documents.
4.1.11 The ratio of engine oil/methanol consumption AND the maximum piston
air leakage, under full load, shall meet the requirements of GB/T 19055.
4.1.12 The surface painting of the engine shall meet the requirements of the
product drawings and process documents.
4.1.13 The methanol supply device shall be distinguished from the auxiliary fuel
gasoline supply device, by the label.
4.2 Consistency requirements
The tolerances of engine's rated power, maximum torque, minimum fuel
consumption rate shall meet the requirements of GB/T 18297, during type
inspection and production consistency inspection.
4.3 Low temperature starting requirements
4.3.1 Auxiliary starting devices (such as gasoline starting, etc.) are allowed to
be used, in low-temperature environments; they shall meet the starting
requirements of low-temperature cold start, which are specified by the
4.3.2 The engine is filled with the specified methanol engine oil, as required by
the manufacturer. The battery voltage is within the specified range. The starter
drives the engine to tow 3 times. The duration of each towing is 10 s ~ 15 s.
The towing interval is 2 min. During the towing process, the speed shall be able
to meet the maximum speed requirement for engine start.
4.3.3 During the engine start-up and warm-up process, if auxiliary starting
measures (such as gasoline starting, etc.) are used, the auxiliary fuel and
methanol fuel shall be switched, under the engine coolant temperature
conditions, which are specified by the manufacturer.
4.4 Reliability requirements
4.4.1 The overall reliability of the engine shall meet the "pass" requirement of
reliability assessment, in GB/T 19055.
4.4.2 The engine's reliability test focuses on parts that are prone to failure, due
to methanol corrosion. Corrosion of parts such as cylinder liner/piston ring,
valve/seat, bearing bush, duct oil seal, crankshaft's front and rear oil seal, spark
plug, methanol injector, cylinder head, intake pipe, supercharger, catalytic
converter, EGR system, crankcase ventilation system, etc., may cause failure.
4.5 Durability requirements
The durability of the engine shall meet the requirements of QC/T 471.
4.6 Technical requirements for emission, noise, radio disturbance
4.6.1 Engine pollutant emissions shall meet the requirements of single gas fuel
vehicles in GB 18352.6-2016 OR single gas fuel engines in GB 17691-2018.
4.6.2 The emissions of unburned methanol and formaldehyde from the engine
shall comply with the relevant national standards.
4.6.3 The on-board diagnostic (OBD) system of the engine shall meet the
requirements of GB 17691 or GB 18352.6.
4.6.4 The noise of the engine shall meet the requirements of level 3 and above
in GB/T 14097-2018.
4.6.5 The radio disturbance characteristics of automobiles, which are equipped
with engines, shall meet the requirements of GB 14023.
4.7 Corrosion resistance requirements
4.7.1 The methanol supply device of the engine AND its components shall
comply with the relevant standards of methanol fuel system for automobiles.
4.7.2 All alcohol-related parts and components, of the methanol supply system
of the engine, shall have the ability to resist methanol corrosion AND pass the
reliability test of the whole machine.
4.7.3 Other parts of the engine, that are in contact with methanol fuel, its
combustion products and engine oil, such as oil seals, crankcase's ventilation
system parts, turbocharger assemblies, bearings of moving parts, shall have
the ability to resist methanol corrosion AND pass the reliability test verification
of the whole machine.
4.7.4 The components of the methanol supply system of the engine shall be
marked, in an eye-catching manner, with the name of the methanol supply
device and the direction of methanol flow.
4.8 Safety requirements
The safety performance of the engine shall meet the requirements of GB/T
gas fuel engine in GB 17691-2018.
5.10 The emission test of engine's unburned methanol and formaldehyde shall
be conducted, in accordance with the relevant national standards.
5.11 The test of the engine's on-board diagnostic system (OBD) shall be carried
out, in accordance with the provisions of GB 17691 or GB 18352.6.
5.12 The engine's noise test method shall be carried out, in accordance with
the provisions of GB/T 1859.1.
5.13 The measurement method of the engine's radio disturbance
characteristics shall be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of GB
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Type inspection
Type inspection shall be carried out, in accordance with QC/T 526, in any of the
following situations:
a) New products;
b) The product has major improvements (that is, the improved engine's rated
speed is increased by more than 10%, compared to the original model,
OR the rated power is increased by more than 15%, compared with the
original model);
c) There are major changes in the structure;
d) The product is subject to trans-plant production.
6.2 Exit-factory inspection
6.2.1 The engine can leave the factory, only after it has passed the exit-factory
inspection, the product quality certificate is issued by the quality inspection
department of the enterprise, in accordance with the provisions of national
standards, industry standards or enterprise standards.
6.2.2 The inspection items shall include at least the following contents:
a) Visual inspection (assembly integrity, assembly quality);
b) The assembly adjustment inspection of the whole machine shall be carried
out, in accordance with the exit-factory technical requirements of the
manufacturer, mainly including: hot test run-in, leakage inspection, gap
inspection, abnormal noise inspection, technical adjustment, tightness of
each system;
c) Methanol and gasoline auxiliary fuels shall be respectively subject to the
verification of fuel type conversion function.
6.3 Spot inspection of quality
The quality of the engine shall be spot-checked, in accordance with the
provisions of QC/T 901.
7 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Marking
7.1.1 The nameplate of the engine shall indicate the following:
a) The manufacturer's trademark or full name, engine model and
displacement (L), as well as the word of "methanol";
b) Emission level;
c) Engine' exit-factory number and date;
d) Rated power/rated speed [kW/ (r/min)];
e) Maximum torque/speed [N •m/ (r/min)];
f) Net mass (kg).
7.1.2 In accordance with the provisions of GB 7258, mark the permanent engine
model and exit-factory number, on an appropriate position of the engine cylinder.
7.2 Packaging
7.2.1 The following requirements shall be met before the engine is packaged:
a) Drain off the engine oil and coolant, before packing the engine;
b) The engine shall be subject to anti-rust treatment, before leaving the
factory. Under normal storage conditions, ensure that the engine,
accompanying tools and spare parts are not corroded, within 12 months
from the date of exit-factory;
c) For seaborne exports, it shall take measures, such as moisture-proof and
salt-spray corrosion prevention;
d) All exposed nozzles of the engine shall be covered with protective covers.
...... Source: Above contents are excerpted from the PDF -- translated/reviewed by: www.chinesestandard.net / Wayne Zheng et al.