Standard ID | SL 436-2008 (SL436-2008) |
Description (Translated English) | Specification of exploration for dike hidden trouble |
Sector / Industry | Water Resources Industry Standard |
Classification of Chinese Standard | P59 |
Classification of International Standard | 27.140 |
Word Count Estimation | 37,348 |
Date of Issue | 2008-10-06 |
Date of Implementation | 2009-01-06 |
Quoted Standard | GB 18871; GB 50021; GB 50027; GB/T 50279; GB 50286; GB 50287; SL 188; SL 258; SL 326; SL 73.1; SL 73.2; SL 73.3; SL 73.4; SL 73.5; SL 73.6 |
Drafting Organization | Yellow River Conservancy Commission of the Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research |
Regulation (derived from) | ?Ministry of Water Resources - Announcement 2008 No.23 |
Summary | This standard applies to the use of geophysical methods such as dikes on rivers and lakes to detect hidden dangers, and the use of cone penetration test to detect the root stone. Cone probe method about content see Appendix A. |