GB 19577-2024 PDF EnglishSearch result: GB 19577-2024_English: PDF (GB19577-2024)
GB19577-2024: PDF in EnglishGB 19577-2024 GB NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ICS 27.010 CCS F 01 GB 19577-2024 Replacing GB 19577-2015, GB 29540-2013, GB 30721-2014, GB 37480-2019 Minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for heat pumps and water chillers ISSUED ON: APRIL 29, 2024 IMPLEMENTED ON: FEBRUARY 01, 2025 Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Table of Contents Foreword ... 3 1 Scope ... 5 2 Normative references ... 5 3 Terms and definitions ... 6 4 Energy efficiency grades ... 8 5 Technical requirements ... 12 6 Tests and calculation methods ... 13 7 Implementation of the document ... 14 Annex A (normative) Tests and calculation methods for the cooling seasonal performance factor of air-cooled comfort chillers (CC ≤ 50 kW) ... 15 Minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for heat pumps and water chillers 1 Scope This document specifies the technical requirements for the minimum allowable values of the energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for heat pumps and water chillers, describes the corresponding test methods, and clarifies the implementation of this document. The types of heat pumps and chillers to which this document applies include water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression, low ambient temperature air source heat pump (water chilling) packages, water-source (ground-source) heat pumps, lithium bromide absorption water chillers (heaters), water-source high temperature heat pumps using the vapor compression cycle, indirect evaporative cooling water chillers, and integrated water chilling (heat pump) packages. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. GB/T 10870 The methods of performance test for water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vaper compression cycle GB/T 18362 Direct-fired lithium bromide absorption water chiller (heater) GB/T 18430.1 Water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression cycle - Part 1: Water chilling (heat pump) packages for industrial & commercial and similar application GB/T 18430.2 Water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression cycle - Part 2: Water chilling (heat pump) packages for household and similar application GB/T 18431 Steam and hot water type lithium bromide absorption water chiller GB/T 19409 Water-source (ground-source) heat pumps Under the specified standard operating conditions, the minimum allowable values of the nominal heating coefficient of performance (COPh), low temperature heating coefficient of performance (COPdh), heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) and (or) annual performance factor (APF) of low ambient temperature air source heat pump (water chilling) packages. NOTE: For fan-coil units, the annual performance factor (APF) is assessed for the seasonal performance factor; for floor-heating and radiator units, the heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) is assessed for the seasonal performance factor. 3.3 minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for water-source (ground-source) heat pumps Under the specified standard operating conditions, the minimum allowable values of the annual comprehensive coefficient of performance (ACOP) or heating coefficient of performance (COP) of water-source (ground-source) heat pumps. NOTE: For heat-pump units, the annual comprehensive coefficient of performance (ACOP) is assessed; for single-heat units, the heating coefficient of performance (COP) is assessed. 3.4 minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for lithium bromide absorption water chillers (heaters) Under the specified standard operating conditions, the minimum allowable values of the coefficient of performance (COP) or the maximum values of the heating source consumption per unit cooling capacity of lithium bromide absorption water chillers (heaters). NOTE: For vapor units, the heating source consumption per unit cooling capacity is assessed; for direct-fired units, the coefficient of performance (COP) is assessed. 3.5 minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for water-source high temperature heat pumps using the vapor compression cycle Under the specified standard operating conditions, the minimum allowable values of the heating coefficient of performance of water-source high temperature heat pumps using the vapor compression cycle. NOTE: For water-source high temperature heat pumps, the heating coefficient of performance (COPH) is assessed; for periodical feeding heat pump high temperature hot water units, the heating coefficient of performance (COP) is assessed. 3.6 minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for indirect evaporative cooling water chillers Under specified standard operating conditions, the minimum allowable values of the annual energy efficiency ratio (AEER) or energy efficiency ratio (EER) of indirect evaporative cooling water chillers. NOTE: For high-leaving water temperature chillers base on dew point indirect evaporative cooling used in data centers and similar places, the annual energy efficiency ratio (AEER) is assessed; for composite indirect evaporative cooling water chillers used in computer and data processing rooms, the energy efficiency ratio (EER) is assessed. 3.7 minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for integrated water chilling (heat pump) package Under specified standard operating conditions, the minimum allowable values of the integrated part load value (IPLVI) and nominal operating coefficient of performance (COPI) of integrated water chilling (heat pump) packages. NOTE: For vapor-cooled, cooling-tower and air-cooled units, the integrated part load value (IPLVI) and nominal operating coefficient of performance (COPI) are assessed. 4 Energy efficiency grades 4.1 The energy efficiency grades for heat pumps and water chillers are divided into 3 grades, among which grade 1 has the highest energy efficiency. 4.2 The measured values and nominal values of the energy efficiency indicators of various types of heat pumps and water chillers shall not be less than the specified values corresponding to the energy efficiency grades in Tables 1 to 8. Among them, the indicators of energy efficiency grades for water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression adopt dual-channel evaluation indicators, i.e., select the energy efficiency value of one of the indicator systems in the comprehensive part load value (IPLV) (see Table 1) or the coefficient of performance (COPc) (see Table 2) to determine the energy efficiency grade. NOTE: The specific product types of water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression, low ambient temperature air source heat pumps (chillers), low ambient temperature air source heat pump (water chilling) packages, water-source (ground-source) heat pumps, lithium bromide absorption water chillers (heaters), water-source high temperature heat pumps using the vapor compression cycle, indirect evaporative cooling water chillers, and integrated water chilling (heat pump) package mentioned in this document are the product types mentioned in Tables 1 to 8. efficiency for low ambient temperature air source heat pump (water chilling) packages, the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for water-source (ground-source) heat pumps, the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for lithium bromide absorption water chillers (heaters), the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for water-source high temperature heat pumps using the vapor compression cycle, the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for indirect evaporative cooling water chillers, and the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for integrated water chilling (heat pump) packages are the indicator values corresponding to energy efficiency grade 3 in Tables 1 to 8. 5.2 For low ambient temperature air source heat pump (water chilling) packages with electric auxiliary heating, the electric auxiliary heating system shall be manually turned on and off, and its working status shall be expressed in an obvious position. 5.3 The marked values of energy efficiency for heat pumps and water chillers shall be within the range of values corresponding to their rated energy efficiency grades, and the measured values of energy efficiency shall not be less than the provisions in the corresponding product standards in Tables 1 to 8. NOTE: The marked values and measured values of energy efficiency for water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression, low ambient temperature air source heat pump (water chilling) packages, water-source (ground-source) heat pumps, lithium bromide absorption water chillers (heaters), water-source high temperature heat pumps using the vapor compression cycle, and indirect evaporative cooling water chillers are rounded off to multiples of 0.01, and the marked values and measured values of energy efficiency for integrated water chilling (heat pump) packages are rounded off to multiples of 0.1. 5.4 The marked values of the nominal cooling (heating) capacity of the unit shall be within the range of the nominal cooling (heating) capacity corresponding to its rated energy efficiency grade, and the measured value of the nominal cooling (heating) capacity shall not be less than the provisions in the corresponding product standards in Tables 1 to 8. 6 Tests and calculation methods 6.1 The energy efficiency test method for water chilling (heat pump) packages using the vapor compression shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of GB/T 18430.1 and.......Source: https://www.ChineseStandard.net/PDF.aspx/GB19577-2024 |